Stories of ignorant people
Since most threads end up talking about ignorant people at some point, I figured I should just make a thread for it. Post stories about experiences with stupid or ignorant people. Things like science teachers who don't believe in evolution or people thinking the earth is flat.
This might not be considered ignorant to most but I see it that way.
A bit back story: This school was so dumb the curriculum was watered down to a tee. Luckily, I didn't have to lift a pencil to get good grades.
Anyway in English class we were doing something from the textbook. It was pretty easy and kinda boring because of it. I don't clearly remember the conversation that led to this, but I remember this comment said by a girl.
"Black people can't learn none a' dis stuff. Deez booksw were made for da white peoples."
The teacher looked blankly at her.
I looked angrily at her.
The class was quiet but agreed.
I then lost the last ounce of racial pride I had. I believe that was the most ignorant thing I ever heard. Could be another name for it.
I rather be a Northeasterner than a Southeasterner. If you are from D.C. you know why.
That being said a flat world veiw is undoutably wrong, where that little thing called evaluation has some compelling evolution I hear. So by default if you believe in evolution over flat earth your probably going to be less ignorant.
EDIT:*looks up* ....Damnit JCC where did that come from. Well...I already wrote this its staying
You could have expressed that idea in a single sentence. I just did. Also, if you had worded it the way I worded it, it would not cause a backlash against you. It seems to me like you have the right idea, but you lack the writing ability to effectively communicate those ideas without people misunderstanding you. Specifically, I refer to this part of your post See, you misunderstand the meaning of the word "believes". You put it in italics to substitute for an inadequate vocabulary.
I think that there are a lot of flamewars and such that happen on the Internets simply because people suck at reading and writing. People often have the same idea, but they write their own ideas so poorly, or they fail at correctly reading the ideas of others, that everyone ends up misinterpreting everyone else. Thus, people who agree completely will argue across many posts, when all they are really doing is battling against their own lack of literary ability to get their true meaning across.
Puncutation and spelling are only the first step kiddies. Let's try to step it up.
*Edit:Also, looking more carefully, I see that definition #3 for believe is "to hold an opinion", the definition that you were warning me might cause a misunderstanding. I suppose I have to remind myself that a definition being less common doesn't mean that people don't use it. ^^; My bad.
*EditEdit:Apparently I was misinterpreting how they order definitions in dictionaries. This is fascinating.
No more to tell.
"Who are beneficiaries of the Court’s protection? Members of various minorities including criminals, atheists, homosexuals, flag burners, illegal immigrants (including terrorists), convicts, and pornographers."
"Our culture is superior. Our culture is superior because our religion is Christianity and that is the truth that makes men free."
"I think a real problem America has is we’ve taken this idea of equality and extended it so beyond where it belongs. All lifestyles are not equal. Some are wrong."
Even saying something like "I believe/don't believe in evolution" is bad. Science doesn't speak that broadly; you have to really narrow it down. That's why I can be annoyingly pedantic and reductionist in scientific arguments; you have to get down to the very specifics of what you mean in order to talk about anything.
The word "believe" gets thrown around improperly a lot. Science is really a set of beliefs (since "knowing" something to be 100% true is impossible); it just so happens that the beliefs are thoroughly supported by extensive empirical observations and testing. "Faith" is holding a belief with NO supporting evidence, and very often DIRECTLY CONTRADICTORY evidence. Science has beliefs, but it has absolutely no faith. See how that works?
EDIT: Really, semantics is never off-topic. We have to make sure that we all know what we mean when we use words, so that we can correctly convey our meanings to each other.