Long story short, I need to get a laptop, desired specs at the bottom of this post. Continue reading if you want the backstory behind this (which could change your advice...)
First and foremost, if you guys don't know, I'm 17 and currently a junior in HS....and I have a freshmen sister. My parents (well, mainly my mom) have never let me get my own computer, because they think I'll go on porn sites (because I can't get porn on a shared computer when I'm home alone, right guys?)...
We have 2 laptops, in addition to my mom's PC, so I use one of the two to get online on a day to day basis. Typically, since my mom will use hers when she wants, and my dad usually doesn't go on the computers very often when he gets home from work, me and my sister have been freely able to get online whenever the hell we want, because there's always an available laptop.
Recently, one of them just took a dive. Thus now me and my sister are back to fighting over getting online. Being the little baby sister, she can get away with telling me that I can't get one, yet when she asks, I have to get off. No questions asked.
Well, geeknights forumers, I've had enough of my motherfucking sister on the motherfucking laptop (such a shitty quote, sorry guys
). I now have a job, so I'm now strongly considering getting my own laptop.
Price range: $200-700. I have more money than that saved up, but I really don't wanna blow it all on one thing.
HD space: don't give a shit. I have a damn near empty 120gb external harddrive if the recommended laptop has crap for hard drive space.
stuff I need it to do: run firefox, play anime (aka vlc and/or mplayer), play music (ok, what laptop can't?), run Pidgin, download torrents. Nothing too bad, as far as I'm concerned.
OS: preferable xp, vista, or ubuntu. The eee's OS is ok, but it's limited...
RAM: I guess it depends on the OS. If vista, I'd like at least 1.5 or 2gb. If xp, 512mb is probably enough (yes, one of my current laptops is an xp machine with 512mb ram....<_<)
brand: Just not a Dell, please...for the love of computing.
Screen Size: Preferably nothing lower than 9" (taking EEE into consideration, here...)
webcam: don't care.
if I missed anything that you think is important: ask me, I'll answer.
Final note: Yes, I have done research on my own. I just want to know what some of the more intelligent techies on the net think about laptops...
Second of all, those Eee PCs are really sweet and will fit your needs perfectly, though you may have a problem with the screen size, as you said. Look into them, but be sure to physically touch one before you commit to it.
That's all I got.
Barring that, just get the new eee PC. It may be limited, but it will get you online to do the web stuffs, and the new one just came out with a bigger screen. It is the cheapest option that will get you to graduation, when you can then ask for a real machine for colleges.
Anyway I'm getting a new laptop too soon. Most of the things Dkong said applies to myself in looking for a laptop.
On a side note, I do have a laptop for school, and I sometimes fool around when I am done with my schoolwork. But I must say I much prefer to take notes by hand. If I need them on a computer for some reason, I'll just type it up later on. I just don't understand why so many of these people waste time.
That is the frustration of a college professor when the class isn't paying attention.
Serious: Did you even read what I wanted to use it for? No where did I say "for taking notes in college". Next year I'm gonna be a senior in HS. My school currently doesn't allow laptops (not many HSes I know of do, honestly. I know a few, but not many). When I'm about to head off to college, I don't think it'll be a problem convincing my parents to get me a laptop. For now, though, they ain't budging.
Joking: ...thanks for answering my question, I guess... True...The biggest issue is size. It would be hard to conceal a desktop in my bedroom. It would be easy to hide a laptop, though. Plus my room is small and has little desk space...
All in all, I'll probably look into getting an EEE PC, fixing the laptop that went down (Cause it's not 100% down, it's just in the "holy shit, this is gonna be a pain in the fucking ass...." stage), or doing nothing.
EDIT: Also, there's no need to have two blank lines between paragraphs.
And besides, imho no person really needs a laptop.
Now, certainly there are reasons why a parent should be concerned about their child watching porn. I think the best solution is to educate them. Statements like "that's not what sex is really like", and "women don't really look like that", and "most women don't actually like getting money shotted" would be useful. Expecting them to just not watch porn is like abstinence-only sex education.
On the other hand, I'm assuming there's some religion at work here, in which case there would be no reasoning with them.
Look at the comment Rym reacted to at the top of that quote. My comment on the need for laptops. Nobody needs a laptop. Having a laptop is merely a convenience to, say, finish the presentation you have to give at your job later that morning. It is trivial to get access to a computer these days in the modern, western world when you need one.
Though, my mom has always expressed some concern about me having a computer interfering with my schoolwork. But in the past few months when my sister's had volleyball, I've had almost unrestricted access to the laptop(s), and my schoolwork's been fine.
But again, as I said before, I'm looking at fixing the other laptop...so we'll see how it goes (it'll be a weekend project) and I'll get back to you guys about it.
Thanks for you help so far.