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Serenity Charity Screenings across the nation on Friday!

edited June 2006 in Movies

w00t! Also remember that day is also buy another copy of Serenity! (or buy your first)

Big Damn Trilogy
tune and lyrics by James Hazlerig
Trilogy, O trilogy, I want my trilogy,
Don't stop at one, Don't stop at two,
Gorramit, gimme three!
Trilogy, O trilogy, that's what I want to see,
Someday I'll own a boxed set
Of that Big Damn Trilogy!

They said we couldn't do it,
They said our show should die,
They took our love, they took our land,
They cancelled our Firefly.
But one thing they didn't reckon,
in our fan psychology:
Browncoats carry Greenbacks,
And we want our trilogy!




They say the best things in this 'verse,
Always come in threes,
Musketeers and stooges,
When a show's got ships and shepherds,
The Alliance and Blue Sun,
And Gina and Jewel and Morena and Summer,
It's too pretty to stop at one!



  • You might be interested to know that the guys that wrote it and sang that song are the Bedlam Bards. They were at the midnight showing in Houston and had a get together the week after for any Firefly/Serenity fans at a local restaurant. They were great performers/entertainers and played about 3 hours of folk music and Firefly inspired music. You can listen to some of the songs there (in addition to Big Damn Trilogy) though the sample quality doesn't sound great. My favorite song is the "Leaf on the Wind" one.
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