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Personal Wikis

edited May 2008 in Everything Else
Personal wikis are pretty much what they sound like: wikis that you can edit for various personal uses. I never really realized something like this existed, but it seems invaluable as a modern "journal" with cross-references and tags, or as a tool to organize worldbuilding for roleplaying sessions, or for pretty much anything. I found out about TiddlyWiki and thought it was pretty much a perfect execution of this concept.

So my question is: do you use anything like this? What do you use it for, or what could you see using it for? Do you think stuff like this is useful? Do you have any favorites?


  • Do people really need to make encyclopedias of their own lives?
  • edited May 2008
    Well, you don't have to use it for that; they're plenty of other applications, such as the above mentioned use as a worldbuilding tool for roleplaying games, not to mention things like novel writing. I don't see what the issue is for documenting things that happen to you of importance. Sure it's not for everyone, but it appeals to me because of my terrible memory. If I had a journal, I'd much rather be able to search for key ideas than to have to go through and find it myself.
    Post edited by Infinity on
  • edited May 2008
    Do people really need to make encyclopedias of their own lives?
    A wiki doesn't have to be an encyclopedia. It's basically just a web page you can edit in a web browser. Put whatever you want in there.

    I tried to use Tiddlywiki a bit, but it just never became a habit.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • A wiki is basically just a book with links to you could use it as a note pad if you so choose. I've tried tiddlywiki for a game I was thinking up and it takes a bit of getting used to but is pretty useful. You also need to learn the syntax for things like links.
  • I used one for myself when taking botes for classes in college. I also use it at work to track production issues. It's really great for managing a lot of information that needs to be archived and accessible in a very short period of time.

    A freind of mine swears by his wiki for organizing notes and case files. He's a social worker and it's invaluable having everything about a case handy when when you get an unexpected call or are preparing for a court case.
  • You also need to learn the syntax
    Yeah, that part looks a little tricky, but it's not too bad considering the documentation out there for it, plus simple faqs. It's easy enough to learn as you go.
  • edited May 2008
    I used one for myself when taking botes for classes in college.
    Oh wow, I can't believe I never thought about that, creating wikis for class' notes, thats genius. You could even be kind and share it after you've taken the class for people to keep adding stuff to it.

    Edit: edited to remove the extra line, I keep forgetting all the time.
    Post edited by Double Z on
  • I used one for myself when taking botes for classes in college.
    Oh wow, I can't believe I never thought about that, creating wikis for class' notes, thats genius. You could even be kind and share it after you've taken the class for people to keep adding stuff to it.
    I meant notes not 'botes'. Sorry for typing from my BlackBerry. It's a really great way to study and having a relational database to search through when writing an essay is priceless.
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