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edited June 2006 in Everything Else
On the one hand, I welcome the return of measles and other such diseases that had been pushed to the brink of extinction in the industrialized world, for it heralds the utter devestation of the non-innoculated populace. Those that refused to eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge shall be struck down and given the final judgement that they so richly deserve.
On the other hand, how dare they bring back a disease which had been effectively eradicated in modernized nations. A grand achievement of Mankind, a victory against the Natural Order and threats to our reign of this world, reversed by these turncoats and their beliefs. So few times has Man been able to focus its resources onto a single problem, to concentrate its energies and guided by its will, achieve such success in an endeavor; and yet, these lackwits would endanger all that we gained so far. In our moment of triumph, on the cusp of victory, they pulled us back; nay, we had firmly grasped this victory in the ages-old war between ourselves and disease, only to be dragged down another step.


  • Katsu,

    The children, don't deserve Measles... Generally the adults who get it live through it fine.. Think of the Children that you lose that could be recruited into your future army!
  • edited June 2006
    Measles isn't the only disease making a come back. There was an outbreak of Mumps (you know, the other M in MMR) in the midwest a little while ago.
    Post edited by Dr. Zibbelcoot PhD on
  • That's different, though. It's a form of mumps that isn't stopped by the vaccine.
    /me hails from Iowa City, it's been all over the news
  • I'm curious what news bit said it isn't stopped by the vaccine since the CDC sites don't mention anything about the MMR being 100% ineffective. The best they say is that it is about 90% effective but, "Data from outbreak investigations have shown that the effectiveness of MMR against mumps is approximately 80% after one dose and limited data suggest effectiveness of approximately 90% after two doses. Available evidence suggests that mumps vaccination should provide immunity against the genotype G virus responsible for the current US outbreak." I got that from here CDC Health Advisory and on this CDC page they all seem to suggest vaccination as a way to contain it.

    Zibbelcoot is a Molecular Virology and Microbiology graduate student and tries to know her virus stuff.
  • I was only trying to point out that the fact that you had an MMR shot when you were a kid didn't necessarily mean that you had nothing to worry about.
    Then again I was never the sort to freak out when the news reported that a dozen people had a nonlethal disease 100 miles away.
  • I concede that measles are not as fatal to adults as to children. So instead of seeing them waste away in pain and agony, I can only laugh at them from beyond a quarantine zone.
  • These diseases are simply evolving. That is what things on this planet do....except people. We don't evolve, we just build shit.
  • You mean I got jabbed by thousands of needles for nothing, NOTHING!
  • Or at least 10% of nothing.
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