If I actually have time to play the game, and it doesn't suck, I'll probably be hooking back up with my old "clan" Sturmgrenadier. The old Planetside days with them, fielding a hundred or so people at once, using Teamspeak to organize and coordinate...epic days my friends.
I cannot express how awesome it would be if this were an MMOFPS. I'm imagining Tribes 2, but somehow more awesome.
A pipe dream, I know, but I'm allowed to be optimistic about one thing a year.
I cannot express how disappointed I would be if it was just click and attack like WoW. Having any sort of shooting element would be fundamental to such a game IMHO.
I cannot express how awesome it would be if this were an MMOFPS. I'm imagining Tribes 2, but somehow more awesome.
A pipe dream, I know, but I'm allowed to be optimistic about one thing a year.
I cannot express how disappointed I would be if it was just click and attack like WoW. Having any sort of shooting element would be fundamental to such a game IMHO.
We only need look at Star Wars: Galaxies for a prime example of how to totally fuck up firefights in an MMO.
The only MMOFPSs that have "done shooting right" have been WWII Online and Planetside. Tabula Rasa had a good idea for mechanics, but failed in implementation. If they go the Star Wars route, then the game will be dead to me and I will never speak of it again. Sort of like how no one talks about any of the other Warhammer games aside from Relic's Dawn of War series because they were all abortions. Firewarrior bring back any horrible memories for anyone else?
It would be crushed by a Starcraft MMO though, which would be ironic to say the least.
Really? Because Starcraft has sold less copies worldwide than WoW has current subscribers. Not to say it couldn't happen, but I wouldn't count on it, and I wouldn't count on Blizzard splitting their own market by making World of Starcraft in the first place.
As for WoW having peaked, that seems to fly in the fact of them getting another half a mil in subscribers every couple months. At worst its rate of increase is declining, but I think it's going to be a long time before people stop getting into the game. That's just THQ's sour grapes. They want to sell their game so it behooves them to talk bad about the competition.
Really? Because Starcraft has sold less copies worldwide than WoW hascurrentsubscribers. Not to say it couldn't happen, but I wouldn't count on it, and I wouldn't count on Blizzard splitting their own market by making World of Starcraft in the first place.
But hasn't Starcraft sold significantly more copies than the Warcraft games? I'm not quite sure your analogy would fit. How many of the current WoW subscribers have even played any of the Warcraft games?
The Dawn of War franchise is superb.
I cannot express how awesome it would be if this were an MMOFPS. I'm imagining Tribes 2, but somehow more awesome.
A pipe dream, I know, but I'm allowed to be optimistic about one thing a year.
EDIT: Wait, this news is over a year old. Is there any more progress on this?
The game is still "years away" according to a THQ exec. Though he claims that WoW has "peaked," which may very well be true.
As for WoW having peaked, that seems to fly in the fact of them getting another half a mil in subscribers every couple months. At worst its rate of increase is declining, but I think it's going to be a long time before people stop getting into the game. That's just THQ's sour grapes. They want to sell their game so it behooves them to talk bad about the competition.