OMG!!! No Tuesday show?!?!?oneoneone
Heh. I'm not one of those crazy people who go to DEFCON 1 when Geeknights is late, but its one in the morning, and there's no Tuesday show. What happen, was Scott in charge of post and forgot to upload it? Or did you two end up on an unexpected mini-adventure and were forced to sleep on the streets of New-York again?
Maybe I'm the last person on the planet that does not understand Twitter for mundane updates. I can see how it has some application, but do people really need to know every time I tie my shoes?
UPDATE: I just read Scott's blog post on Twitter. Interesting. I'll be curious to see if he sticks with it.
Still... for updates such as that it's a pretty good idea.
The problem I have with Twitter is twofold:
1) I don't care if someone just ate a Big Mac, tied their shoes, or saw a hot air balloon.
2) Like most social networking sites, there is just too much white noise to make it worthwhile.
"I ate too many gummi bears, and now I'm sick."
"Nobody at the office wants to share my banana bread. I baked two loaves. I can't eat it all on my own."
"Time to go home. *gasp* was this one of those inane tweets? Should I have refrained from tweeting it?"
Not trying to be a wise guy, but the day that I have time to read endless stuff such as this, just shoot me.
I think it's got a useful aspect to it. The problem is that people don't know where to draw the line, and the white noise becomes deafening.