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International Day of Slayer, 6/6

edited June 2008 in Everything Else
It's this Friday, people. Join the Facebook event if you fancy.

If you don't know what this is, here's the low-down.
Who is Slayer

Slayer is a band from California. Their music has come to epitomize Satanic speed metal music in the latter half of the 20th century. Their 1986 album, "Reign in Blood" is one of the single most influential metal albums of all time, typified by the modern classic "Angel of Death".

Official Statement on Participation

# Listen to Slayer at full blast in your car.
# Listen to Slayer at full blast in your home.
# Listen to Slayer at full blast at your place of employment.
# Listen to Slayer at full blast in any public place you prefer.

DO NOT use headphones! The objective of this day is for everyone within earshot to understand that it is the National Day of Slayer. National holidays in America aren't just about celebrating; they're about forcing it upon non-participants.

Taking that participation to a problematic level

# Stage a "Slay-out." Don't go to work. Listen to Slayer.
# Have a huge block party that clogs up a street in your neighborhood. Blast Slayer albums all evening. Get police cruisers and helicopters on the scene. Finish with a full-scale riot.
# Spray paint Slayer logos on churches, synagogues, or cemeteries.
# Play Slayer covers with your own band (since 99% of your riffs are stolen from Slayer anyway).
# Kill the neighbor's dog and blame it on Slayer.
I wish I didn't have to acknowledge this, but you should be able to recognize the irony in what was posted above, unlike some people.


  • wow, it sounds like the most obnoxious holiday ever.
  • image

    Sorry, I had to :)

    Anyways, I'll listen to some Slayer. but not at full blast. My ears are precious to me.
  • For me, every day is the National Day of Slayer.
  • Who keeps coming up with these days? I declare that September 18th is National Red Peper Hommus Day and April 8th is National Tampon Day.

    Seriously, this is just plain silly.
  • Who keeps coming up with these days? I declare that September 18th is National Red Peper Hommus Day and April 8th is National Tampon Day.

    Seriously, this is just plain silly.
    It was declared back in '06. The date was set as 6/6/06. Hence, the Day of Slayer.

    Also, that's the date Slayer had actually intended to release Christ Illusion, but it had to be pushed back.

    I'm totally down with a national Red Pepper Hommus day.
  • As long as national Tampon Day has me throwing tampons at random people I'm all for it.
  • edited June 2008
    As long as national Tampon Day has me throwing tampons at random people I'm all for it.

    ...although I think I would take its disgustingly farther involving a prank and red dye.

    (nah not really)
    Post edited by Viga on
  • As long as national Tampon Day has me throwing tampons at random people I'm all for it.

    ...although I think I would take its disgustingly farther involving a prank and red dye.

    (nah not really)
    That's not as far as you could take it, so it's not that bad.
  • Happy International Day of Slayer, everyone. Be sure to melt the face of the people you love! ^_~
  • edited June 2010
    I have Spray Chalk in my garage. My friend lives on a cul-de-sac. GONNA SLAY IT UP.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited June 2010

    I'm currently working on indoctrinating rather a stubborn friend into metal, as best I can. My goal is to have them listening to the above song by the end of the day.

    -UPDATE- Success!
    Post edited by ProfPangloss on
  • Sucks when it's on a weekend.
  • Sucks when it's on a weekend.
    however it is sunday; so you can set up a stereo out side of a church and play slayer as a benediction to their service.
  • @Gunter: I never would have expected to see so many hearts in something associated with Slayer in my life.
    Sucks when it's on a weekend.
    There's always next year.
  • Hey honey, we have to celebrate today! Happy International Day of Slayer. Oh, yeah... happy anniversary to you too...
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