Alright, my grandpa asked me to find him a laptop. Now, today when I called him, he was unsure if he wanted one. He wanted me to give him some reasons why he should have one. I really couldn't come up with much.
Here's some background info:
- he's 75ish (fuck, I'm not really sure. Does that make me a terrible person?), not senile, will probably live till 90+
- he is really into stocks
- as such, he's rich as hell, so price isn't an object (though I don't see a point in getting him some 2 grand powerhouse, he's not gonna need it)
- he's also into sports and getting exercise
- even though he just got laser surgery on his eyes, I think a 15-17" screen would be nice for him
So could you guys help me give him reasons why he should get one, and some recommendations for what laptop to get him?
Right now I have it narrowed down to 2 laptops:, I realize those are both probably above and beyond what a 75 year old would need, but at the same time, they're not even *that* expensive, and he damn well has the money for either one.
As for reasons...I just said he could check stocks, shop online, and use email. His counters were that he checks stocks via TV, doesn't shop very often anyways, and doesn't mind using the I'm kind of at a loss.
See, that first bullet point is even misleading in itself. He's not quite your average 70 year old. Let me elaborate:
He's 70-75ish. He can pass as 50. The doctors have said he'll live to 90-100, since he's in such good shape. He goes to Vegas and Mexico kinda frequently (especially considering that he lives in Ohio), mainly to gamble and meet chicks.
How about reasons why he should get one, in general? No. Me and him figured that a laptop would be better since there's less shit to deal with.
Gambling, on the other hand, might be a good selling point. An interesting suggestion...Yeah, actually, now that you mention it, all the things people get PCs over Macs for are kinda moot, seeing as he's not a gamer or in need of in depth software.
Yeah, macbook pro might be the way to go.
A big selling point for my grandma and computers is email. She loves the added contact with friends and family, especially those living in different time zones. Also if he
likes sports, he can get latest scores, commentary, news etc. on the fly.