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Blog like a zombie apocalyspe day

edited June 2008 in Everything Else
Tomorrow is Blog Like It's the End of the World day. It's one of my favorite geeky holidays. (second to talk like a pirate day) Being that there's a lot of zombie fans here who's in on it and what do you think.

Really, anyone can make a day for anything. I should declare an otaku day, spread it around and see what happens.


  • *gets out the grand Zambah Lagzagan*
  • If there were a zombie apocalypse, blogging is one of the last things I would do. Since I hardly ever blog, I celebrate this holiday most days!
  • edited June 2008
    I've made three posts on my LJ for this, and even though no one but the people on my friends list are likely to read them, I'm having a lot of fun with the writing part just for the sake of writing something crazy. Not really reading too many posts by other people in detail, but it's good to see that the holiday has a fairly decent spread over the internet.
    Post edited by Eryn on
  • Viga. I just listened to your mp3 on this.

    It made my day. ^,^

  • There, got all my posts done. They're not that great, but they were fun to write, at least. :) You can read them here, if you want:
  • Viga. I just listened to your mp3 on this.

    It made my day. ^,^

    Hooray! I've brought lolz to a person!
    Friends: I hope I don't see too many of your among the horde. I will not hesitate to stab you in the eye with my parasol if you are.
    Dude! Now I am imagining lolita gals attacking zombies with parasols! Awesome!
  • Here's mine if you guys wanna' read it. ^,^
  • I agree, Viga - your mp3 was total win. You kicked zombie ass. ;)

    For next Halloween, I should join a zombie walk and go dressed in gurololi. Now that'd be fun.
  • *zombie ass kickage*
    Sorry about that.
    Well, there's only one thing to do now. *cue zombie song*
    Silly Viga is silly. Fun ep.

    @ Tenchi Kaze, too much pink. But I managed to read the disclaimer post before burning to a crisp n_n-v
  • Aheheh, that LJ isn't really meant to be seen by anyone except me very often (my friends list generally reads my posts through their own friends page layouts), and what can I say? I still like pink. XD;
  • Hmm. It would be better if someone blogged as a zombie. Doing that would be difficult, though.
  • Hmm. It would be better if someone blogged as a zombie. Doing that would be difficult, though.
    dlskfjdslkafjdl NUM NUM NUM fkldjsalkfdksla

  • edited June 2008
    I did that for a little bit in my last post. I'd love to see if someone could manage to do that for the whole day, though.
    Post edited by Eryn on
  • Well as seen in Dawn of the Dead 2004 the zombies has some remembrance of their routines in life. I'm sure an internet addict zombie would do such a thing.
  • ......
    edited June 2008
    Hmm. It would be better if someone blogged as a zombie. Doing that would be difficult, though.
    dlskfjdslkafjdl NUM NUM NUM fkldjsalkfdksla

    I did that for a little bit in my last post. I'd love to see if someone could manage to do that for the whole day, though.
    Crude attempt at writing some nonsense in Zamgrh (Deyd dialect, thus no '!' for 'i'), 'translation' on the right.
    Zhaar Dahrah,
    Rah nah mah brahran an Ah habba gangbang zah granma an har zwa granzanz an zah barn. Granma az zgaarah! Granma nah hab magh-ab an. ZGAARAH! AAAAH! Granma brahnz arh mmmmmm.

    Dear Dairy,
    Today my brethren and I have attacked1 the grandmother and her two grandsons in the/that building2. Grandmother is scary! Grandmother did not have make-up on. SCARY! AAAAAAAAH! Grandmother's brains are yummy though.

    Editor notes:
    1 And presumably violated.
    2 See previous days for location.
    3 Small note depicting crude representations of the letters 'D', 'e', 'y' and 'd' in order was attached to the page.

    For a whole day it would take preparation. And at that point I'd let some zambah brahran proofread the writings to see if it is understandable with the liberties I take compared to the Zombie Lexicon. That, and these should probably be audio blogs, else you'd get blog posts on the level of your average idiot on the internet, spelling and grammar wise.
    Post edited by ... on
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