I am not making this up. What I thought was folk-myth actually has some basis in reality, or more specifically the Shope papillomavirus. A virus similar to HPV which causes cancerous, hornlike tumors around the head and mouth served as the model for research into HPV, the virus that leads to cervial cancer, among other things. Poor, poor bunnies. Here are
pictures if you don't believe me. Not for the weak of stomach. (but I need to be informed of bunny health risks, so okay.) This is assumed to be the source of the Jackalope myth. Nature is bizarre.
Now that I know it's a virus I feel sad for the bunnies.
...Emily's Rabbit Mania has become something of a running gag among the crew.
I don't know if it's the same condition as the rabbits, but when I worked with the DEC we had a doe (female whitetail deer) come in with an extreme growth on the side of her head. The growth was all cartilage and bone. Guess which lucky tech got to do the skull prep for this one?? It was seriously about the same size as her head.
Rats are awesome.