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The Middleman

edited June 2008 in Everything Else
I watched ABC Family's The Middleman last night. For those that do not know, it is based on Javier Grillo-Marxuach and Les McClaine's The Middle Man comic. I have never read the comic, but I decided to watch the show anyway. I wasn't expecting much, but it was actually delightful! The show was nicely paced, hit several comic notes, and reminded me a bit of the live action Tick, with a little more plot and a little less nonsense (only a little less). I really think it is worth a watch, and I look forward to the next episode. I can't comment on comparison with the comic, but I am definitely going to check it out based on the show. Did anyone see it? Has anyone read the comic? Any thoughts?


  • The Tick? Man do I miss that show...
  • I'm curious
  • I saw the show last night too and I really liked it. I just wish they had put it on the Scifi channel so that there could be less constraints on content, it is on a "family" channel after all. For an ABC family show it was pretty good. It felt kind of like men in black minus the men and the black. I guess it's just "in".
  • It was a cute show and actually had some moments that could only exist on basic cable. I mean, it takes some risks that major networks wouldn't air (goofy CG monsters, quick dialogue, comic references out the wazoo) and hits on most of the notes. Actually, one of my favorite parts were the "Location" prompts at the bottom of the screen. "A dark, mob-infested alley" "The illegal loft Wendy shares with an equally photogenic artist" etc.
  • edited June 2008
    Actually, one of my favorite parts were the "Location" prompts at the bottom of the screen. "A dark, mob-infested alley" "The illegal loft Wendy shares with an equally photogenic artist" etc.
    The prompts were clever.
    I saw the show last night too and I really liked it. I just wish they had put it on the Scifi channel so that there could be less constraints on content, it is on a "family" channel after all. For an ABC family show it was pretty good.
    I kinda liked the innocent goofiness. It is a bit like Animaniacs in that kids will enjoy it, but there is a lot in there for adults, too. Plus, I am a Doctor Who fan, and you don't get squeakier clean than that.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • I'm a doctor who fan too. All I was trying to say was that future episodes might not be as good because of the whole "family" buisness.
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