Netflix is dropping profiles - WTF
Netflix is dropping profilesGod damn mother...... I really liked Netflix as a company but this completely sucks. I have three profiles each with a disk (separating TV shows, Anime and movies). This completely hoses me. There is no reason for this other then to save money somewhere. I am really enjoying their streaming movie service, I'll have to think about dropping them over this. I mean WTF...
*is obviously extremely annoyed by this* excuse the loose grammar and whatnot.
However, I do agree that this is a bad move on their part. I wonder how this will improve things for them? If anything, it might force people to get multiple accounts. Having profiles was probably one of better ideas I've seen in a long time, especially for those who have households of 2 or more.
In the very least, I'm dropping down to a one-DVD account. There's no reason to have multiple DVDs if they're all in the same queue.
While at the Apple store yesterday they had an iTV (or whatever they call that thing) on display attached to a big HDTV. $3.99 to stream a movie or $4.99 to stream it in HD? $9.99 to buy it? There is no way I would pay those prices. Maybe if I was single and had money falling out of my pockets.
I realize I'm in the minority, and it was a really stupid move by netflix, but this certainly won't get me to drop my account. Is it really that hard to drag and drop shit in the queue?
More to the point, your attitude is the same attitude that causes the majority of podcasts to be extremely poor quality and come out infrequently. They do everything manually, and as such they spend all of their time twiddling the manual bits and not working on the podcast itself. Wasting time on trivial tasks adds up, and I value my time immensely. I use technology to automate as many mundane tasks as I can. I automated this with Netflix, and now they've taken this capability away.
I'm still pissed off anyway though - stupidity on teh internets is always annoying. Especially large-scale commercial stupidity.
Let's say I'm watching Battlestar Galactica and Kaze no Yojimbo, in addition to my periodic movie-watching. So, I set up my 3-dvd queue as follows:
If we watch TV shows faster than movies, we'll eventually have only movies and no more TV shows at home, unless we constantly intervene in the queue. If we do watch the movies, we'll end up with multiple DVDs of the TV shows at home at one time, which is useless.
I bet their selection is pretty poor, at least compared to what Netflix has in the U.S.