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Netflix is dropping profiles - WTF

edited June 2008 in Movies
Netflix is dropping profiles

God damn mother...... I really liked Netflix as a company but this completely sucks. I have three profiles each with a disk (separating TV shows, Anime and movies). This completely hoses me. There is no reason for this other then to save money somewhere. I am really enjoying their streaming movie service, I'll have to think about dropping them over this. I mean WTF...

*is obviously extremely annoyed by this* excuse the loose grammar and whatnot.


  • edited June 2008
    I got the email today. So much for my daughter having her own que.
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • This is bullshit. I mean, the ability to have separate profiles on a single account is not very necessary. What is necessary is to have separate queues. Do they still not understand that people want more than one queue? They should give you one queue for every disc you get. Three disc people should have three queues, not one. I want a queue of movies, and a separate queue for TV shows. In their huge database, Netflix must recognize that this is the behavior that customers desire. Why would they do something so awesome, like the Roku, and then do something so shitty? What are they thinking?
  • For some reason the email went to my spam box. It was odd. I thought it was some sort of hoax. I deleted it. I didn't really look at the return address or the other links.

    However, I do agree that this is a bad move on their part. I wonder how this will improve things for them? If anything, it might force people to get multiple accounts. Having profiles was probably one of better ideas I've seen in a long time, especially for those who have households of 2 or more.
  • I was planning on dropping my netflix account anyway, since I have so little time to watch them anymore and it'll end up saving me $20 a month. Guess they just gave me another reason.
  • RymRym
    edited June 2008
    I'll call them and threaten to cancel our account. With this change, the Roku is honestly the only reason to keep Netflix. I can always sell the Roku, as they're completely account-independent. I'll see what they say.

    In the very least, I'm dropping down to a one-DVD account. There's no reason to have multiple DVDs if they're all in the same queue.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • I've never had multiple queues, but I can see how they would be useful for some people. It seems like a dumb move, but it doesn't effect my use. I just arrange my queue in the order I want it, and if I want to vary my queue, I stagger it with one comedy movie, one series disc, one drama movie, second series disc, etc. Lately, I use their streaming service more frequently than watching the mailed DVDs, I just wish they would/could add a lot more streaming content (possibly simultaneously to the availability of the DVD).
  • I just arrange my queue in the order I want it, and if I want to vary my queue, I stagger it with one comedy movie, one series disc, one drama movie, second series disc, etc.
    The problem is, you have to do this. I have an anime queue, a TV queue, a movie queue, etc... They only real benefit of Netflix over outright piracy was that it "just worked" without any intervention on my part. Now that I have to manually twiddle everything, I'd might as well just go back to bittorrent. ^_~
  • I also want them to add a lot more streaming content. I've been watching a lot of the older Doctor Who shows via streaming as well as some episodes of The Office. BSG, unfortunately, is not a streaming option.

    While at the Apple store yesterday they had an iTV (or whatever they call that thing) on display attached to a big HDTV. $3.99 to stream a movie or $4.99 to stream it in HD? $9.99 to buy it? There is no way I would pay those prices. Maybe if I was single and had money falling out of my pockets.
  • I just realized Rym. If we stop Netflix, we won't feel bad about not watching them. I'm sure my parents will take the Roku.
  • edited June 2008
    Honestly, I don't care. I have a 3 DVD plan and I just tweak the queue around for the [typically rare] times when someone else in my family wants to get a movie or something.

    I realize I'm in the minority, and it was a really stupid move by netflix, but this certainly won't get me to drop my account.
    Now that I have to manually twiddle everything,
    Is it really that hard to drag and drop shit in the queue?
    Post edited by Dkong on
  • I like netflix because I forget to download a lot of what I want to watch. If I think of something, I add it to the queue and it eventually comes. Also, I cannot always find good quality video or DVD rips of what I want to see.
  • RymRym
    edited June 2008
    Is it really that hard to drag and drop shit in the queue?
    Yes. We're usually watching a TV show and/or an anime or two at the same time, independent of our movies. This means that every single time I finish a DVD, I have to go to Netflix and drag the next one to the top of the queue.

    More to the point, your attitude is the same attitude that causes the majority of podcasts to be extremely poor quality and come out infrequently. They do everything manually, and as such they spend all of their time twiddling the manual bits and not working on the podcast itself. Wasting time on trivial tasks adds up, and I value my time immensely. I use technology to automate as many mundane tasks as I can. I automated this with Netflix, and now they've taken this capability away.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • Lol... I still have to rent movies, the OLD way.
  • edited June 2008
    Is it really that hard to drag and drop shit in the queue?
    When you have a lot of stuff in your queue and you like to organize things by genre and keep series in order, I would say yes. I've had my account on hold for the last 2 months due to the fact I haven't really been watching the DVDs I've been receiving. Initially this doesn't affect me, however from seeing how others used the multiple profiles system, I wish I did that when I actually used Netflix.
    Lol... I still have to rent movies, the OLD way.
    I honestly do this as well. However, my boyfriend and I have those coupons at Hollywood Video of rent one, get one free that we are able to use once a month. There are times where renting a movie the old way just comes in handy. When you don't want to wait for the mail nor do you have Roku, you can just go to the store and rent it.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • So this means my queue goes byebye?
  • So this means my queue goes byebye?
    Yeah. There's a tool to migrate the queues into one, but the Internet says it doesn't work...
  • edited June 2008
    If we had Netflix here in Australia, I'd be really pissed off.
    I'm still pissed off anyway though - stupidity on teh internets is always annoying. Especially large-scale commercial stupidity.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Do you think with enough complaints from customers, Netflix might retract this decision?
  • I don't even drag and drop, I just number the order that I want it to be, and if I really want to see something that is lower down the queue, I just bump it. However, I can see how having the queues is really helpful. I just never set them up. It upsets me when business start removing useful services; this move seems unnecessary and poorly though out.
  • RymRym
    edited June 2008
    I don't even drag and drop, I just number the order that I want it to be, and if I really want to see something that is lower down the queue, I just bump it.
    That doesn't work if you're watching multiple things at the same time.

    Let's say I'm watching Battlestar Galactica and Kaze no Yojimbo, in addition to my periodic movie-watching. So, I set up my 3-dvd queue as follows:
    1. BSG 1
    2. Kaze 1
    3. Movie A
    4. BSG 2
    5. Kaze 2
    6. Movie B
    7. BSG 3
    8. Kaze 3
    9. Movie C
    10. BSG4
    11. etc...
    Now, I watch my DVD of BSG. Simultaneously, we all watch Kaze together. We get BSG2 and Kaze 2 in the mail. I'm home alone, so I watch the next BSG and send it back. Instead of getting BSG3, I get Movie B. Great... I have to go into Netflix before I send BSG2 back and move BSG 3 to the top of the queue.

    If we watch TV shows faster than movies, we'll eventually have only movies and no more TV shows at home, unless we constantly intervene in the queue. If we do watch the movies, we'll end up with multiple DVDs of the TV shows at home at one time, which is useless.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • If we had Netflix here in Australia, I'd be really pissed off.
    I'm still pissed off anyway though - stupidity on teh internets is always annoying. Especially large-scale commercial stupidity.
    We have I can't believe its not Netflix (Quickflix) but it never had multiple queues to begin with.
  • edited June 2008
    So, is Quickflix (Australia) any good?
    I bet their selection is pretty poor, at least compared to what Netflix has in the U.S.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Emily and I were talking. If we reduce Netflix to one disc, we won't need multiple queues, and we'll still have Roku action.
  • Emily and I were talking. If we reduce Netflix to one disc, we won't need multiple queues, and we'll still have Roku action.
    That's my plan.
  • This is a really dumb move, especially for people with families. My mom is pretty bummed and angry, so I think she might call/cancel.
  • Given the issues brought up here, I'd have thought the smarter move would have been to start charging extra for profiles.
  • So, is Quickflix (Australia) any good?
    Its pretty decent, about half the total range of Netflix from the marketing numbers. Plenty of anime.
  • Just got an email from Netflix, profiles are here to stay!
  • Nice! Netflix goes back to "one of my favorite companies". Economic protest for the win!
  • edited June 2008
    I think they decided that would be better than losing a lot of their customers :p
    Post edited by Apreche on
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