AZONS (Automated Zombie Outbreak Notification System)
A.Z.O.N.S is a notification system I've been building which draws news feeds from Google news and Reuters and analyzes them, looking for keywords indicating the beginnings of a Zombie Outbreak. I'm making it using Yahoo Pipes which features a nice notification system which can let you know of updates to the pipes output via SMS or Email.
I don't know how to open it up for collaborative editing, so I'd be grateful if you guys could give me some more keywords to broaden the search. Better a false alarm than no alarm.
Pipe RSS Feed:
A.Z.O.N.S.Current Keywords:Strange Disease
living dead
I didn't want to put "outbreak" because news about tomatoes came up. Good choice? Bad choice?
Haha, It would be both very awesome and very scary if this thing ever returned an actual result.
EDIT: maybe cut one of the "many" out.
biting people
Unknown disease
Missing bodies
Walking dead
maybe "pandemic"
"mass homicide"
"devoured flesh"
"Gutteral utterances"
Also "Guttural utterances" is quite the phrase; useful in may situations!
"Groaning" added.
"Guttural Utterances" added.
EDIT: Okay, something is horribly wrong. I just cloned the pipe and made my blog the only source feed. Its showing all of my posts, not just the one seeded with zombie related keywords. If only there was a way to give the Pipe multiple owners, that way we could all work on it. Moreover, I wish it would tell you in the debugging console which word triggered the allowance of an article.
It's quite the feat of modern technology.