It’s just incredible that he would die on July 4th, the same day of the Declaration of Independence and the same day that Thomas Jefferson and John Adams died, and he certainly is a patriot in the mold of those great men,†said former North Carolina GOP Rep. Bill Cobey.
I don't know why I thought you were talking about Jesse Ventura, but then I was like oh yeah that asshole
Helms was "bitterly opposed to federal financing of AIDS research and treatment".[12] Opposing the Kennedy-Hatch AIDS bill in 1988, Helms stated, "There is not one single case of AIDS in this country that cannot be traced in origin to sodomy."[13] When Ryan White died in 1990, his mother went to Congress to speak to politicians on behalf of people with AIDS. She spoke to 23 representatives: Helms refused to speak to her even when she was alone with him in an elevator.[14] Despite opposition by Helms, the Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency Care (CARE) Act passed in 1990.
right now some aids patients are pissing on his grave
I'll bet when they realize how much people hated him, the Conservatives will start trying to say that he wasn't conservative . . . kinda like how they're trying to get people to believe that GWB isn't conservative.
He wasn't all bad. He did write letters to Boris Yelstin in regards to the fate of American POWs in the USSR. He also wrote to Yelstin about the tragic destruction of flight KAL007, which eventually led to the handover of the tapes from the flight's flight recorder.
Other than that I got nothing.