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Bike/Backpack help

edited July 2008 in Everything Else
I just got my bike out of storage for transportation purposes, and was wondering what I should do about my backpack situation. Currently, I use a messenger sack style backpack (one that hangs over one shoulder). Should I take the effort to get a backpack that goes over both shoulders and hangs on my back, or is it relatively easy to balance with one of those?


  • Are you just riding around a campus/small town, or are you going on long rides or over difficult terrain?
  • Are you just riding around a campus/small town, or are you going on long rides or over difficult terrain?
    Mostly small town. My longest ride is going to be about four or so miles.
  • Get a backpack. Good god. The troubles I've had with a messenger bag on a bike, I don't want to get into. Think about it. The bag needs to lean towards one leg/side. It is going to constantly hit your leg and your knee (depending on how long you have the strap adjusted) and burn and annoy you to hell. It's definitely worth the money to get a backpack. What will you need to carry though? This can change the price of a backpack anywhere from 5 to 100+ dollars.
  • A couple notebooks, a novel at least, my DS, and a few games.
  • Every bike messenger in the city uses a messenger bag. If you have trouble with a messenger bag while riding a bike, you're doing it wrong. First of all, you need to get it to ride high up on your back, not swinging low down. Second, you need to attach the extra strap that goes across your chest and braces it against you in the opposite direction of the main strap. If you do this, you will have no problem.
  • The bag needs to lean towards one leg/side. It is going to constantly hit your leg and your knee
    you're doing it wrong
    No need to get a backpack, messenger bags work fine, just do what Scott said and have the strap adjusted short, if you don't have an extra strap to secure it, like me, you might have it sliding a bit on your back once in a while. Though that too if that happens too often you're also doing it wrong. Good luck.
  • Every bike messenger in the city uses a messenger bag. If you have trouble with a messenger bag while riding a bike, you're doing it wrong. First of all, you need to get it to ride high up on your back, not swinging low down. Second, you need to attach the extra strap that goes across your chest and braces it against you in the opposite direction of the main strap. If you do this, you will have no problem.
    I concur wholeheartedly. Messenger bags are both manly and awesome. Also, easier to get into.
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