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Thanks Apple Care

To make a long story short, I worked my ass of last summer saving up for a Mac. But once I had the money, my folks changed their mind and said they didn't want me spending my money. So lucky around the end of December, I was able to get a used PowerBook G4 17' for $450 from a kid in my high school. I got two, one working and one non-working for extra parts if needed. About 3 months later there were some complications resulting in a dead logic(mother board). I took it into Apple Store to get the genius to look it over and see how much it would cost to fix, He said it would be around $350. Consideration the old hardware and only spending the original 100 more than the fixing price I opted out. Than back in May, my folks decide to pay the amount to get it fixed. I took it in again, and it was shipped off to the repair center. Then less than 3 weeks later I went to pick it up and it turns out that the part need to fix the PowerBook would of taken along time to get, more than 6 months. So rather than having me wait they instead gave me a brand new MacBook Pro 17'. When the employee walked out with it my heart stopped. I've been wanting a new Mac for 4 years or more. I swear my heart stopped the and the Apple store employee was afraid I might pass out because my face turned ghost white. I am so happy to have this nice new Mac and wanted to share my success with Apple.

I also want to know of any of you success story, like this, that you might of had, and it doesn't have to be about an Apple product.


  • edited July 2008
    Wow, good job.

    I at first thought your post was going to be sarcastic. ^^
    Post edited by kiwi_bird on
  • edited July 2008
    Consideration the old hardware and only spending the original 100 more than the fixing price I opted out.
    Mr. Period should be checking in any time now...

    Also, what does that story have to do with Apple Care?
    Nevermind, I'm a dumbass. I missed the part where the repair center got him a Macbook Pro. I thought I read somewhere that his parents bought him the Macbook Pro...
    Post edited by Dkong on
  • Consideration the old hardware and only spending the original 100 more than the fixing price I opted out.
    Mr. Period should be checking in any time now...
    Do you want Mr. Period dead or something?
  • edited July 2008
    It's a single word mistake, Mr Period is only necessary when someone refuses to spell properly repeatedly.
    Nice story, makes me worry somewhat about the price apple is paying for hardware though.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited July 2008
    It's a single word mistake, Mr Period is only necessary when someone refuses to spell properly repeatedly
    IMO I would have wrote it a lot differently, while conveying (more or less) the exact same message:
    Considering the old hardware was only 100 more than the fixing price, I declined (IMO "opting out" is getting out of something you are already involved in, not turning down an offer).

    Plus, I thought Mr. Period was for grammar and spelling, not just spelling...

    Also, to continue with my dickery...
    That's one damn big screen!
    Post edited by Dkong on
  • Plus, I thought Mr. Period was for grammar and spelling, not just spelling...
    This is true.
  • Mr. Period has nothing to do with the Discussion about Apple Care and your Sucess stories.
    I also want to know of any of you success story, like this, that you might of had, and it doesn't have to be about an Apple product.
  • Well, one of the big reasons I bought my Macbook (which was much more reasonable thanks to rebates, selling free ipods, and student discounts) was their customer service. Last summer I dropped my ipod and cracked the screen, but I merely filled out a request form, got a box, and had a new one in two weeks. I've heard horror stories about laptops breaking in college, so I figured if their service for laptops is as good as MP3 Players, I'll be covered.
  • Yep, I've had, and have heard nothing but great success about Apple Care. Not only is the service great but the Genius at the Genius Bar, but all the store employees. When I was in line last Friday, waiting to play with an iPhone many of the patrolling Apple Store Employees where great to start a conversation with. What was also great was that since I just switched to a Mac, (Well, permanently), They answered a lot of my Mac questions. They are all knowledgeable people who know what their talking about.
    There is not any other corporate company out there that I know who doesn't have this kind of great customer service.
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