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Amazon MP3: WTF?

edited July 2008 in Everything Else
Last night I decided to buy an album from Amazon MP3. In the past I've paid for digital content from the likes of Emusic, Audible, CDBaby, and Aime Street. Never had any problems getting the content I paid for. Worse was probably Audible not being able to download the content on the first go and I had to retry the download. No biggie. Now it turns out Amazon Mp3 only lets you download the content once and only once. That was my mistake for assuming that Amazon would follow suit just like other past services I have used. The problem though is Amazon downloader fucked up and only downloaded, four tracks from the album I purchased. Amazon shows though that I downloaded the whole thing. Which blows because now I have contacted customer service twice already and have not received any kind of response. This is bullshit.


  • That's why I've only ever bought mp3s from Emusic. Unlimited redownloads.
  • edited July 2008
    Well, seeing as you already own it; If the worst comes to the worst you could just torrent it.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
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