Where have all the playgrounds gone?
Where have all the playgrounds gone? I mean REAL playgrounds. All I see are those stupid plastic molded ones. I feel bad for my little brother who'll never know the joy of a metal merry go round.
Dangerous Old Playground EquipmentChildren of a bygone era, let us lament.
Too dangerous can be harmful for obvious reasons, like permanent physical injury. Too safe can be dangerous to their mental development, learning their limits, having fun, developing physical skills, etc. I think the kind of playground my parents had was a fine balance. The odds of permanent injury were close to zero, but the odds of scrapes and bruises were near 100%, also good.
Playgrounds are just a small part of it, but adults often wonder why kids are doing so many uncouth things like drugs and sex. Maybe it's because you ban every wholesome fun thing to do like video games, playgrounds, skateboarding, etc.
New playgrounds are most certainly dangerous. There are plenty of things to fall off of, and slides are higher and steeper than ever. The difference is that they have gotten rid of the extremely dangerous elements. These are usually things that caused an alarming number of brain injuries - such as those "hobby horse" type swings that weigh about 100 pounds each. Imagine getting hit in the noggin by one of those? The merry-go-round type things are also gone. They could project a kid at an alarming speed.
How much of this perception of a nanny state has been brought about by a generation of people who go deliberately out of their way to do stupid and dangerous things?
That kid in the video is so cute. I love precocious elementary schoolers.