I had a pole scavenged from an old cuboard's hanging rail, but my housemate bent it by hanging his wet coat on it. Still hunting another one. In the house, Feats of strength are being solved by a combination of Halo and Smash Brothers Brawl.
No pole here. My sister's boyfriend is visiting today so, even though he's a pretty awesome dude, there won't much airing of grievances or feats of strength going on, despite any suggestions I may put forward.
Festivus at my house will have to wait another year.
UPDATE: All is forgiven, dude got me this print for Christmas:
Never much cared for Seinfeld in general, but the Festivus episode was the best one by far.
Shit, if you thought that was good then you should actually watch Seinfeld. This episode was mediocre aside from the Festivus-related parts.
I tried, believe me I have TRIED, but Seinfeld is almost as boring to me as Don Quixote (which has been a handy substitute sleeping pill for me over the years).
I didn't have much in the way of an airing of grievances, but I did have one hell of a Festivus dinner. Leftovers for the win!
In the house, Feats of strength are being solved by a combination of Halo and Smash Brothers Brawl.
Festivus at my house will have to wait another year.
UPDATE: All is forgiven, dude got me this print for Christmas:
Anyway, Merry Christmas!
The rest of your fake, pagan holidays can stay outside in the cold...alone.
I in the other hand will be leaving to celebrate Christmas (Festivus didn't catch in Peru :P ) with my family.