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Connecticon 2008

edited August 2008 in Conventions
Well, we're here in the hotel. Our room overlooks the con directly through the glass walls of the convention center. I can tell you that I see handfuls of people milling about over there.

All told, thus far, the con is pretty weak sauce. Unless things change in a big way tomorrow, I can predict the direction our coverage will go. If I had to use a word, the word would be "unprofessional." This is in stark contrast to the previous year, which was very well run overall. We basically milled about, said our hellos, and then simply went to bed.


  • I was at the con all day today. It definitely seems a bit smaller than it was last year. But I saw Tim Buckley, so it's alright (I bought one of those Church of Gaming posters!).

    The registration line(s) seemed like a ridiculously long wait. I'm convinced they could have made the process SO much shorter than they did.

    I saw 2 BLU Spies, a BLU Sniper, a RED and a BLU Medic, and a RED and a BLU Heavy (Red one had the Intel and everything!). That made me happy.

    Are you guys selling shirts tomorrow/Sunday?
  • Just got out of the Anime Match Game, hosted by Geeknights and done in "ghetto" form. No star panelist, a few were even from the audience itself. Apparently, the crew found out they were doing the panel as they arrived last night. The house was still packed, and it was still a show with all the expected geeky coolness.

    Connecticon 08 is void of any true start power this year, but its still a good ride. Yesterdays "Connecticon: The Musical" was pretty good, in the main event hall in front of a packed house of what must have been several hundred people. It was strictly amature with the technical crew, but what do you expect, last year it was in a panel room!

    Looking forward to today's geeknights panels and tonight's party! Stay Tuned!
  • I'm enjoying it so far... as I post from the Dealer's Room... yesterday there weren't really any good panels but it should be good today. Match Game was good as always, even though I missed the first half of it.
  • Standing room only! today at the "Anime You Should Watch" panel, hosted by the geeknights crew. While the attendance at the earlier panel was tepid, this panel saw every seat filled, all walls leaned against and even the middle aisle and space next to the stage was occupied with fans. Well over 150 people. To quote scott: "When the fire marshal gets called, you know it was a good panel."

    Rym and Scott covered the basics, the foundations that one should see in order to have an informed opinion of modern anime. Akira, Evangelion, and Ghost in the Shell were mentioned, as well as many others that I can't remember. The audience was well informed and responsive, another home run for the crew without a doubt.
  • Allright I just got back home and from my perspective Saturday was pretty good. While the match game was scheduled for a really weird time it was still really fun considering I was one of the "star" panelists (I was the spiky haired kid with the black t-shirt). The rest of it went pretty well for me, the lines weren't too bad and all of the Geeknights panels were really fun.
  • I'm back from the con, it was a good time, but I didn't really get a chance to see as many panels as I wanted to or play any board games. Was stuck helping at my friend's booth most of the time.
  • The Beyond D&D panel on Saturday was GREAT, I highly recommend anyone going to PAX go see the panel then. Two friends and I played Burning Wheel with Alex today (last game of the day). We are certainly convinced; we're picking up the book ASAP.

    Seriously, why do people still play Dungeons & Dragons?
  • Two friends and I played Burning Wheel with Alex today (last game of the day)
    Out of curiosity: were you the keg-wielding dwarf, Fidhean Sinatra, or the Burning Rat? (Perhaps because it was Sunday afternoon and everyone was exhausted/punchy, this one got a little bit silly.)
  • I was the Burning Rat, unfortunately. Sure, we got a bit silly, but it was damn fun.
  • Unless things change in a big way tomorrow, I can predict the direction our coverage will go.
    Connecticon had its problems, but Saturday busted out pretty well. I'm pleased. I'm also exhausted. Expect our con report Wednesday. ^_^
  • Unless things change in a big way tomorrow, I can predict the direction our coverage will go.
    Connecticon had its problems, but Saturday busted out pretty well. I'm pleased. I'm also exhausted. Expect our con report Wednesday. ^_^
    Despite the issues with the fire marshal and the masquerade? You guys didn't really run into this because you were already upstairs, but they kept people from going upstairs by making both escalators go down and blocking off the elevators until they figured out what the hell to do. Eventually, everyone who did not intend to go to the masquerade could go upstairs only by elevator.

    This was probably more the fire marshal's fault than ConnectiCon's; the staffer I talked to said the fire marshal kept quiet until he decided there were too many people, though I'm curious to hear your thoughts.
  • I only went one day (only due to my goddamn dad who didn't want to stay more than one day), but the con was great! Scrym was as frosty and in top shape as they always are ^_^.
  • Seriously, why do people still play Dungeons & Dragons?
    Because Wizards of the Coast are money grubbing bastards who don't listen to the complaints of many a "D&D;'er" and make no effort whatsoever to improve their extremely flawed game system.
  • Seriously, why do people still play Dungeons & Dragons?
    Because Wizards of the Coast are money grubbing bastards who don't listen to the complaints of many a "D&D;'er" and make no effort whatsoever to improve their extremely flawed game system.
    That doesn't answer his question.
    I think the answer is simple: DnD has its place, just like Burning Wheel, BESM, TriStat, GURPS and other systems. It does what it does, and it fills a slot that it needs to fill.
  • Seriously, why do people still play Dungeons & Dragons?
    Because Wizards of the Coast are money grubbing bastards who don't listen to the complaints of many a "D&D;'er" and make no effort whatsoever to improve their extremely flawed game system.
    That doesn't answer his question.
    I think the answer is simple: DnD has its place, just like Burning Wheel, BESM, TriStat, GURPS and other systems. It does what it does, and it fills a slot that it needs to fill.
    Personally I think that slot will be filled up by Burning Wheel once gamers wake up (which will never happen).
  • Personally I think that slot will be filled up by Burning Wheel once gamers wake up (which will never happen).
    I disagree, Burning Wheel fills the spot of RP. D&D; fills the role of tactical team strategy game with RP elements.
  • Although much less organized than last year, Connecticon was a bit more fun this year. It certainly was less empty, which I don't think that the staff foresaw. GeekNights panels on Saturday were awesome as usual, even if there was an unforeseeable conflict with my own panel Saturday night, and today's gaming (Power Grid, woot woot) was excellent. If no one's ever seen Rym & Scott pore over the game mechanics of something like Dao, it's a pretty funny sight.

    Can't wait for Otakon next weekend!
  • edited August 2008
    Unless things change in a big way tomorrow, I can predict the direction our coverage will go.
    Connecticon had its problems, but Saturday busted out pretty well. I'm pleased. I'm also exhausted. Expect our con report Wednesday. ^_^
    Despite the issues with the fire marshal and the masquerade? You guys didn't really run into this because you were already upstairs, but they kept people from going upstairs by making both escalators go down and blocking off the elevators until they figured out what the hell to do. Eventually, everyone who did not intend to go to the masquerade could go upstairsonly by elevator.

    This was probably more the fire marshal's fault than ConnectiCon's; the staffer I talked to said the fire marshal kept quiet until he decided there were too many people, though I'm curious to hear your thoughts.
    Yeah, that was fun. There was a guy idlely threatening the staffer and the escalator itself. The staff didn't like this and said they'd call the police on him if he didn't stop. He said, "you're a douche." At this point I jumped in with "yes, he's a douche, now go the fuck away so the rest of us can ask him a real fucking question!" and he walked off in disgust. I turned back to the staff and asked him politely that since the escalators were closed, how could we get upstairs to see a panel. He told me the elevator around the corner and I thanked him.

    Also, the hotel rooms had stupid awesome TVs in them and I had no cables to connect my laptop with. DAMN!
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Also, the hotel rooms had stupid awesome TVs in them and I had no cables to connect my laptop with. DAMN!
    Yeah, they did. And a fellow roommate decided not to bring his gaming collection because he didn't feel like lugging his own quality TV. *fail*
  • Conneticon was fun. There were some very interesting people I ran into.
    This is the first con that I have gone to with a decent gaming room, and I am embarrassed to say I rarely left it.
    I more or less just played burning wheel and watched even more burning wheel all sat. (The Elf who actually survived.)
    Sunday I got to see how power grid worked, and it was awesome... Now if only I knew of some board gamers around Boston. Time to start looking for a club or something.
    Thx for the great time Scrim, Katsu, the kid running the burning wheel games (Alex maybe his name was?) and all the rest of the crew I ran into.
  • Now if only I knew of some board gamers around Boston. Time to start looking for a club or something.
    Right here. This school year will be my last at Boston University, and although I won't be here in the fall (going to Japan), I'll be back in the spring. You should come by BU's Board Game club, which meets every Thursday (I think).
  • Now if only I knew of some board gamers around Boston. Time to start looking for a club or something.
    Right here. This school year will be my last at Boston University, and although I won't be here in the fall (going to Japan), I'll be back in the spring. You should come by BU's Board Game club, which meets every Thursday (I think).
    I'll check it out.
  • Damns, the wait for the Connecticon coverage tonight is killing me.
  • Took a little while to get here but I have finally joined the forums. My name is Joe, and I met Scott and Rym and Em, in the main game room (In which Em was nice enough to show me how to get to the Role play room, so I could play burning wheel.). I also met and had lunch with Alex, who I played in the last Burning Wheel game (I must own this now!!!!). It was very silly, ( I got hit in the head with a keg of ale... Twice.) but a hell of a lot of fun. I hope to be able to post often and get to meet many more of you next year.

    Quick P.S. to Em: My girl friend Paula had given you a business card for a website that she makes shoulder bags. Just wondering if you got a chance to take a look. Not promoting or any thing just wondering what you thought.

    In the meantime have fun all. :)

    "May you live as long as you want, and never want as long as you live" A toast from Bud Abbott
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