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Geekery and poor health?

edited August 2008 in Everything Else
Got to thinking about this during one of Rym's phlegm breaks. It's rare for me to meet a geek that doesn't have a current recurring health problem or that didn't have one for a large chunk of their past. Myopia, obesity, asthma, depression, allergies, ADHD, some weird skin thing or another, the list goes on and on. Simple coincidence, or is there a correlation between having poor health and becoming/being a geek? Thoughts?


  • Simple coincidence, or is there a correlation between having poor health and becoming/being a geek? Thoughts?
    Nope, I personally am completely clear of anything you've mentioned. :D
  • There is at the very least a stereotype that geeks/nerds often have some form of allergies. ADHD doesn't seem right, however; don't geeks as a rule have a longer attention span? It would be hard for me to imagine someone with ADHD staying through a 4-hour D&D; session, but I could be wrong.

  • I strongly suspect I suffer from depression and sleeping problems but I don't think they are linked to my geek lifestyle.
  • edited August 2008
    I'm the first to admit that I'm overweight but not obese, and if it counts as a "weird skin thing" I got a Port-wine stain on my upper lip I was born with, plus I have bad knees with which I was also born, but none of these had anything to do with me becoming a geek or me being a geek causing them.

    The things you list are pretty much just stereotypes and since you can geek out about pretty much anything, there will probably fall at least one geek who has none of the health issues you mentioned for one who has. The percentage in the general population and the geek community will be about the same.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Most people have some kind of health problem.
  • edited August 2008
    Yeah, I'm pretty healthy.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • I'm a tad overweight, but that's because I didn't get a chance to bike at all this summer.
  • edited August 2008
    I think sitting in front of a computer for a long time contributes to a lot. It can easily contribute to being less social, obesity, back problems, bad vision, carpal tunnel, sleeping problems, and stuff like that.
    Post edited by Dkong on
  • It's funny, I have more allergies than I can count. There is never a time when I'm not hopped up on Zertyc or Claritin. Also, I had terrible acne as a kid.
  • Most people have some kind of health problem.
  • Yeah, I'm pretty healthy.
    Yup, same here. I wasn't a geeky kid, just a geeky adult.
  • I'm Mostly healthy, I've just got some bad vision, and my knee can be a bit funny at times, but that is just something that runs in the family. No allergies, I'm fit and healthy despite a long term smoking habit (Which I'm now quitting - Haven't had a smoke since Our last episode of GeekChat.)
  • I have no major or recurring health problems.
  • I have no major or recurring health problems.
    Well, except for your face....
  • I have no major or recurring health problems.
    Well, except for your face....

    Well, I'm an overweight girl but that's curable with a healthy diet I'm trying to stick to! By next summer I will be wearing my first bikini! I declare it! >:)
  • I'm healthy. No glasses, no allergies, no sickness or medical issues at all. I play Ice Hockey and have a girlfriend, very ungeeky! lol

    I used to have a pretty low self esteem. Incredibly low. My social skills were normal but I never had anything to talk about since all I would do is stay at home and play video games or write my own adventure game books (That "Turn to page 228 to turn left, 209 to turn right" stuff). It was something of a vicious circle, never go out because I had nothing to talk to people about, never had anything to talk to people about because I never went out.

    I chalked it down to never having a fellow geeky friend to indulge in geeky things with.
  • I'm chubby, lazy, myopic, and terminally over-apologetic. Go me!
  • I haven't been sick in 5 years. I guess I exercise for 2 hours a day though. And I don't keep very clean, which might help my immunities. I'm not really sure though, maybe I'm just lucky.
  • I definitely think there is some links between the two but it doesn't make it true. I personally find my self indulging in geekery more than socializing. Mostly because I'm hard of hearing, but I've also struggled with with social interactions because of it.
  • I think some forms of geekery can attribute to being unhealthy, but I for one am probably healthier than most people. The fact I have a ridiculous metabolism and exercise a fair amount probably helps though.
  • No problems here. Not only do I lack all the things you mentioned, but eight years of Tae Kwon Do and a few months of Parkour have left me in awesome shape.
    I think there can be a correlation between health problems and being considered a geek, dork, or nerd. Some problems like depression, asthma, and allergies can keep people indoors and out of strenuous physical activity and into games and books. Things like obesity and poor vision can result from being in front of books and games to the exclusion of physical activity.
  • I'm a heavy guy, but I'm not terribly unhealthy, I would say. Blood pressure is good, cholesterol (usually) is good, heart's good, lungs are good, etc. I don't have great cardiovascular endurance, but I've hiked Mt. Beacon repeatedly without too much trouble. Hiking is actually one of my favorite outdoor activities.

    Also, I do that whole weightlifting thing.

    But I can definitely stand to lose weight. That's something I'm (trying) to work on.
  • edited August 2008
    I'm chubby, lazy, myopic, and terminally over-apologetic. Go me!
    Ditto for me. And I have asthma! Yay! :D

    At least we've got social skills. That's good, right? Right? D:

    Man, I really need to get back into Hap Ki Do. I went for a while in high school, and it did wonders for me, but it eventually became too expensive and time-consuming to go.
    Post edited by Eryn on
  • I am about 40 pounds overweight but otherwise in good shape, regularly active and no health conditions other then some vision problems.

    In the water I kick everyone's butt. Which reminds me this coming week is the week of awesome, where I'll take pleasure in ducking the crap out of The Whaleshark and continuing my reign as undefeated ocean ducker.
  • In the water I kick everyone's butt.
    You float?
  • I have hyper-tension and high cholesterol, but those are recent developments and genetic (my father has the same and his father died of a stroke so he probably had the same).

    I do have some hard core ADHD (for example I should be cutting code right now, not posting) but I'm not sure if I consider that a health condition.
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