Need help wiring a case fan
How would I go about attaching an 80mm fan to a USB port? The reason I want to do this is so that I can create a vent that goes into the CPU fan intake vent on the bottom of my laptop and pushes more air past the heat sink than the built in fan can currently and do so more quietly. I'm not trying to overclock anything, I just want my laptop to run quieter as the fan has started making a faint rattling noise and with this set up I could play DF without worrying as much about my CPU being so hot.
I just need to make sure the fan is getting the right amount of watts, amps and volts. Where would I find out the numbers for USB watts, amps and volts and those for a fan?
Nvm, it turns out a fan needs 12v to run properly. Luckily, I have a 12v mains power adapter handy, may be a bit bulky but it beats the noise coming out of my laptop at the moment.
Just in case you still wanted to try the USB thing.