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Sportfreunde Stiller - A Rock Band

edited August 2008 in Everything Else
I just somehow feel the urge to post this video and ask all you Americans, what do you think of the video and the music?

I don't really like the band nor most of their music, I just really like the beat in this song.


  • I like the accent, but all the music is unoriginal and tired. It sounds like every other pop-punk-indie band.
  • pop-punk-indie
    Oh the redundancy!
  • edited August 2008
    Oh the redundancy!
    I'm not sure how you're taking that. I didn't mean that pop-punk-indie is a genre, rather that every band in those two genres and the third, pretend genre all have a similar sound. I mean, seriously, this is just a Franz Ferdinand song in a different language.
    Post edited by whatever on
  • Gets a resounding Meh from me. The lyrics are generally uninteresting albeit random, and the tune is pretty much cookie cutter rock in all it's glorious chords.
    Also, mostly the wrong type of music for my taste.
  • I didn't mean that pop-punk-indie is a genre, rather that every band in those two genres and the third, pretend genre all have a similar sound.
    This is what I also meant by saying that saying all three was redundant.
  • I had a hard time making out what this song was about so I have no opinion. That's the problem with bands these days, they mumble their words and no one knows what they're singing about.
  • They remind me of the bad guys from Funny Games...

    Also, the music really is repetitive. They have no harmony! Break out of the Em-G-D mold!
  • I had a hard time making out what this song was about so I have no opinion. That's the problem with bands these days, they mumble their words and no one knows what they're singing about.
  • I like that song. Sure, the music is nothing new (but very little is these days anyway), the lyrics are fun though.
    I had a hard time making out what this song was about so I have no opinion. That's the problem with bands these days, they mumble their words and no one knows what they're singing about.
    Awwwwww, and that when it's all subtitled AND they mention the topic by name at the start. I don't think it's the band's fault here Jen.
  • They mumble their words and no one knows what they're singing about.
    I know you couldn't hear it, since you probably don't speak German, but this band speak incredibly clearly.
  • They mumble their words and no one knows what they're singing about.
    I know you couldn't hear it, since you probably don't speak German, but this band speak incredibly clearly.
    *passes some slices of bread to makushimirian* Fun feeding trolls, ne?
  • Warum nicht?
  • edited August 2008
    Jaja, die Sportis mal wieder. Fand sie nie wirklich fantastisch aber sie machen schon ganz gute Musik. Der Song ist aber auch nicht wirklich was neues denn die Sportfreunde spielen ja öfters gern mit Wortbedeutungen und im wesentlichen ist sowas schon ziemlich normal bei deutschsprachiger Musik seit Rammstein, Tocotronic und Wir sind Helden.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Jaja, die Sportis mal wieder. Fand sie nie wirklich fantastisch aber sie machen schon ganz gute Musik. Der Song ist aber auch nicht wirklich was neues denn die Sportfreunde spielen ja öfters gern mit Wortbedeutungen und im wesentlichen ist sowas schon ziemlich normal bei deutschsprachiger Musik seit Rammstein, Tocotronic und Wir sind Helden.
    "Yeah, the Sports once again. I never really found them great, but they do make quite good music. But this song isn't really anything new since the Sports often play with the meaning of words and it's also quite common under other German bands like Rammstein, Tocotrinic and Wir Sind Helden."
  • Obsessive Compulsive Translating?
  • I guess.^^ Just to make sure everyone on the forum can read it.
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