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Scientists? What do THEY know about species depletion?

edited August 2008 in Politics
In another cunning move, the idiot king wants relax (read as 'get rid of') endangered species protection by cutting scientists and environmentalists out of the equation and leaving it up to, wait for it...


That's right, those same developers that have snuggly connections with the government agencies, and whom I am sure will always act with the best interest of the health of the environment in mind, and whom will also act benevolently, get to make the call. Oh yeah, this decision also bypassed congress.

Just another republican decision geared towards helping big businesses and making a few choice political friends rich at any cost.


  • Jen troll post in 3... 2... 1...
  • edited August 2008
    Another addition to Bush's legacy of shit. I am still wondering why people ever voted for him, not to mention that he only went into office because of the failings of the american election system.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Good game everybody, good game. We're done, so let's all go home and cry in the corner.
  • edited August 2008
    Good game everybody, good game. We're done, so let's all go home and cry in the corner.
    Yeah, way to sell out future generations for some short-term gain.

    Life? Who needs it when we could have another strip mall instead? Oh yeah - and oil. Let's drill for oil on every square inch of land that's not already a strip mall or a parking lot.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • edited August 2008
    Life? Who needs it when we could have another strip mall instead? Oh yeah - and oil. Let's drill for oil on every square inch of land that's not already a strip mall or a parking lot.
    Can you blame them at $130 a barrel? If I could get a barrel a day out of my back yard I'd do it too.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • jccjcc
    edited August 2008
    I am a bear. Please do not feed me.
    Whenever anyone mentions endangered species laws, all I can think of is that Screamapillar bit from the Simpsons. :)
    Post edited by jcc on
  • You know, it's true that the ESA was broken...but this is pretty much the opposite of the way it needs to be fixed. Grr.
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