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Seth MacFarlane and The Cleveland Show

edited August 2008 in Everything Else
I didn't even know of this planned Family Guy spin off until I read this blog. WTF? Seriously, when American Dad came out I was like "Dude, it's remixed Family Guy." Now it's black Family Guy.

Yeah...very different.

I'm starting to question Seth's ability as a creator a lot now. E tu forum?


  • I think the Family Guy humor is like a randomly generated YouTube playlist. Yes it's funny sometimes but there is a lot of crap in it and nothing has to do with anything before or after it. I also don't like humor that is based on making fun of somebody who is retarded stupid. That's also a reason why I stopped watching the Simpsons. The only thing I really liked in the series where the interactions between Brian and Stewie.

    American Dad was pretty much Family Guy in disguise. Practically all the main characters where identical to one in the other show and all the jokes could have probably been interchanged in episodes or with every episode of Family Guy. I don't expect the Cleveland show to be any different.
  • I think the neigbours being bears will make things interesting, though. It would definitely make for a great Stephen Colbert cameo episode.
  • That's also a reason why I stopped watching the Simpsons.
    I stopped watching The Simpsons because Every character has shed the depth and quirks that years of running with the same character give you. Every Character has become a shallow, meaningless exaggeration of one or two traits - Apart from Lisa, Who has not only become a hollow caracature of the character's former self, but has also become little more than a Sax-playing soapbox, standing ready for whatever particular opinion the writers want to put forward this week.
  • I completely agree with you Churba. Homer turning from a caring, albeit stupid father into a social disaster and complete retard is only a little part of it. The main reasons why I stopped where that they started to include longstanding repercussions and storylines into the series which it never had before and was good for it, but suddenly Lisa had to become a vegan and turn to a different faith, Apu certainly needs 9 children and Seymour Skinner and Edna Krabappel gotta have a love relationship.

    The second main reason why I turned it off was when they started to include a celebrity guest appearance in every episode because it was suddenly hip for celebrities to validate their stardom with their cameo on the Simpsons. What sucked even more where when they started to generate scripts with sole purpose for those guest appearance.
  • What sucked even more where when they started to generate scripts with sole purpose for those guest appearance.
    Boy band episode say what!
  • I think the first one in that manner was when they had Homer become a housekeeper for some Hollywood actors.
  • I thought that American Dad would be a Family Guy clone as well, but they don't do nearly as much of the rapid-fire, random clip references. For instance, once they did a reference to Midnight Cowboy, but it lasted nearly the entire length of the show. Further, the relationship between the son (don't remember his name) and the alien dude (don't remember his name either) is hilarious.

    Peter's wife is hotter than Stan's wife.
  • I think American Dad started out using the Family Guy formula, but over time the jokes have become not about non sequiturs and more about actual stuff in the story (however ridiculous it may be.)
  • edited August 2008
    They should base the show in Cleveland Ohio.

    I see this tanking. Recycling jokes was bad enough in family guy. Hopefully it will pull some new material and change it up a little.
    Post edited by Alan on
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