Here's my short synopsis of this anime: L dies in the middle of the series then Light Yagami dies at the end, but not before Mello dies.
Death Note does have a few nice plot twists as mentioned above, and keeps you in suspense mostly to the very end (when Light is ironically killed by Ryuk when he writes Light's name in his death note).
Pluses: This series does not contain any tentacle rape. Although there is violence through out the series, mostly criminals that sinned against God are punished which is acceptable to me. Animation quality is well done.
Minuses: English dub was fair. Promotion of poor eating habits – too much chocolate and sweets shown with no balanced meals.
Overall, a good psychological cat and mouse thriller. I would recommend this anime, and I would say this anime series is on par with Naruto and the movie Odin: Photon Space Sailer Starlight.
I don't think so, Tim.
You're not funny.
Cartoon Network was running this show at 12:30AM on Sundays (I recorded the first three on my DVR) but now it is gone. Were they only planning on airing the first three?