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Democrats are more supportive of government involvement in the airwaves than Republicans and unaffiliated voters. Fifty-four percent (54%) of Democrats favor it, and only 26% are opposed. Republicans and unaffiliated voters are fairly evenly divided.47% Favor Government Mandated Political Balance on Radio, TV Full details require membership
Even Democrats say hands-off the Internet though but by a far smaller margin than Republicans and unaffiliated voters. Democrats oppose government-mandated balance on the Internet by a 48% to 37% margin. Sixty-one percent (61%) of Republicans reject government involvement in Internet content along with 67% of unaffiliated voters.
Only 45% of Americans say they are following recent news stories about the Fairness Doctrine even somewhat closely, while 15% say they are not following the story at all.
This bill clearly hasn't been thought out at all. Although don't think I'm advocating this sort of thing, wouldn't it make a lot more sense for pundits to read an unaffiliated version of the story before they voice their opinion, rather than have the government whine about what is liberally biased and what is conservatively biased?
Since only a minority of people will be able to experience current important events, the rest will have to rely on the media to get a view of what is actually happening in the world. This requires correct reporting and neutrality. But the media is also a platform to exercise freedom of speech. Only the minority of people who try to express an opinion will do so with a neutral agenda behind them. The only possibility to keep a neutrality of the media in this will be to have equal time given to opposing standpoints.
Unfortunately, this has been neglected lately in the last decade or so, intentionally or otherwise.
The U.S. government will not dictate content itself but equal time for opposing viewpoints, generally liberal and conservative.
The message of Outfoxed is that FoxNews is not conducting itself in the best traditions of journalism. Nobody with any ability to think critically would say that Fox is any sort of journalistic outlet: what of it? They are a private company, who should have the same freedom to say what they want on their dime. If the majority of a society cannot be troubled to use their brain when listening to whichever blowhard is currently on TV or the radio, it deserves the consequences.
A desire for evenhandedness does not justify bringing the government in to force "equal time", however that is defined. It is a recipe for disaster. Who decides what "equal time" will be? Who decides if a piece counts as "liberal" or "conservative"? Do we have another board? Who fills it? How does it enforce its edicts? What recourse would an outlet have against their rulings?
Forcing a private media outlet, especially a source of political commentary, to change their content for "equal time" (or any other reason) is dictating content, works against liberty, and is guaranteed to be abused.
Thanks for playing. We have some lovely parting gifts for you. No we don't.
It's moot anyway. I'm becoming more and more convinced everyday that the Democrats in Congress lack a collective spine.