I actually have a fairly specific idea, but I'll have to elaborate later.
I am so excited. A lack of training in education might somewhat hinder your credibility, but I'm sure your inherent genius will more than make up for it.
I'm sure your inherent genius will more than make up for it.
Japanese schools push students very hard to excel, and require a good deal of autonomy from the home. Soviet schools allowed for a high degree of specialization, and stressed pushing students as far as their abilities could take them (so long as those abilities were useful to the state, but I digress...).
I'll say this is the dumbest generation – look at all those Obama supporters. How can you support such an empty suit? The guy barely beat out Hillary, which is pathetic, and you want to put your trust in this guy? I hope he picks Hillary as his running mate just to put the final nail in his coffin.
One other educational factor I've been thinking about lately is the separation of classes. In my school (like most others), we had Honors, Regular, and Foundations classes (which I believe is the norm). However, I've seen kids who were in normal/foundations classes surpass the "all honors kids" (me included) in a certain subject, normally because they were bored in the classes that don't give them a chance. Meanwhile, I could think of some honors kids who need a dose of reality that a less studious classmate. You think if we remove reduce the class segregation things would improve?
EDIT: After thinking about this on the can for a few minutes, I realized there is a group of students in every school which would benefit everyone from being separated. However, apart from those plebs, would everyone benefit from average students working with the smartest?
Japanese schools push students very hard to excel, and require a good deal of autonomy from the home.
Soviet schools allowed for a high degree of specialization, and stressed pushing students as far as their abilities could take them (so long as those abilities were useful to the state, but I digress...).
I'll say this is the dumbest generation – look at all those Obama supporters. How can you support such an empty suit? The guy barely beat out Hillary, which is pathetic, and you want to put your trust in this guy? I hope he picks Hillary as his running mate just to put the final nail in his coffin.
You think if we remove reduce the class segregation things would improve?
EDIT: After thinking about this on the can for a few minutes, I realized there is a group of students in every school which would benefit everyone from being separated. However, apart from those plebs, would everyone benefit from average students working with the smartest?