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Oh, am I writing the best story ever

edited August 2008 in Flamewars
It will take till midnight at least, but boy oh boy the story I'm writing is going to sell newspapers. I just came back from a local community college campus where Christians were protesting the college atheism club's poster in the student center. The poster reads, "Jesus Christ had a homosexual relationship?" and shows a man kissing Jesus on the neck. You can tell it's Jesus (obviously) because there's a halo.

So people are upset.

The story basically hits all the points of every religion flamewar we've ever had here. And the atheists pwn the fuck out of the Christians.

I will probably break a few company rules and post the story somewhere here ASAP (it might be very late tomorrow morning).


  • Jason, if I had the power, I would knight you.
  • Sir Jason of the GeeKnights?
  • Don't be fooled; as a real journalist, I can't take sides. The story will be professional. It is hard to hide logic, however.
  • I've never really had sympathy for folks like this. Is there really any point in engaging in these tactics? If it's annoying when the Christians do stuff like this, why should atheists be applauded for it? Nobody is going to change anyone else's mind, so why do something for the sole purpose of pissing someone off?

    The Christians have a right to believe in what they choose - whether or not they are correct. I'm a fan of just ignoring them, and respecting that right.
  • I'm a fan of just ignoring them, and respecting that right.
    No one has the right to not be ridiculed for being silly.
  • Sir Jason of the GeeKnights?
    Yeah. Good feel to that.
  • edited August 2008
    No one has the right to not be ridiculed for being silly.
    Holy double negative! I didn't say that they had a right to not be ridiculed. I just said that they've got a right to have their beliefs - and I choose to respect their right even if I don't agree. As long as they don't bother me, I don't bother them.
    Post edited by Kilarney on
  • As long as they don't bother me, I don't bother them.
    For me, that's the issue -- Christians bother everyone who isn't Christian (and, I'm sure, some who are) , by forcing their religious beliefs into government and the law. And yeah, double-negative, but I couldn't think of a better way to phrase it, given the context. Eh.
  • edited August 2008
    by forcing their religious beliefs into government and the law
    This country is pretty much as good as it gets when it comes to separation of Church and State. Nonetheless, I have if people criticize when the two mingle. This poster doesn't do that. Frankly, I find this poster to be juvenile. That's why I've never respected this stuff.

    It reminds me of two kids in the playground.
    Kid 1: "My Jesus is the best!"
    Kid 2: "Oh yeah, your Jesus is a fag!"

    See what I mean? It's just stupid. I'll take science any day over this crap.

    The other problem is that this poster depends on an interpretation of the bible that is absurd at best. I'm assuming that they are latching onto the passage about the apostle John "the apostle Jesus loved." No serious scholar has ever believed that this meant that they were homosexual lovers. Throwing aside historical accuracy to make your point is just another nail in this juvenile coffin.

    Take the high road. Use science. Stick to valid facts. If you do this, you can always hold your head up high.

    Now an interesting story would be if the poster said the same thing about Mohamed. Christians are downright open-minded compared to radical Muslims.
    Post edited by Kilarney on
  • I hereby Knight thee Sir Jason of the GeeKnights.
  • I'm just doing my job. I can't be knighted for that. I already get paid. I dub me "Sir Jason of the Paycheck."
  • Callin' it your job don't make it right, boss.
  • Cool Hand Starfox.
  • I'm confused. What does an atheist club actually do? Besides ridiculing theists of course. Do they lobby government or what?
  • She said she believes homosexuality is wrong because she is a Christian, but she also said she is proud that her religion teaches tolerance and acceptance.
    Student aide Jessica Hodge said she felt the poster would “pollute the minds” of her children, ages 2 and 5, if they saw it... A Christian, Hodge said she doesn’t try to force her opinions on others.
    I like how you mentioned contradictory statements for both of these people. Bravo.
  • What is so bad about the picture? It really isn't that graphic. You see worse on billboards and ads every day. It is only that it depicts two men and one of them happens to look like da Vinci's version of Jesus that anyone cares. Also, the stupid woman bringing up her 2 year old and 5 year old. If you don't want your kids to see the image DON'T BRING THEM THERE. It is a community college, not a Kindergarten.
  • It seems to me that these kinds of people (The Christians) want to be offended. That's why they expose their children to "corrupting influences," so they can be righteously indignant about it. It's really quite sad.
  • Look how many comments are on that article! Nice job, Jason.
  • You really shook the beehive on this one.. That said, take a Golden Epic Win.
  • I think the poster was intended to incite, but anyone with half a brain could tell. If it angered those people, the smarter thing for them to do would be to ignore it. They didn't, and now we all get to point and laugh.
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