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Awesome geek paper craft! It's simple and fun!


  • Damn, I wish my printer wasn't out of toner. When I get the chance I'll probably give the Usagi pattern a shot (I completely forgot about that comic).
  • Man, we switched to black and white laser printing a long time ago to save money. All we print are maps, receipts, character sheets, etc., so we didn't need color. Papercraft is the only thing we miss out on.
  • I wish my Inkjet was still in working order. Or that I had a color laserjet. That would be cool, too.
  • Well, I guess the best solution for now is to save it to your HD and then go print it off at a Kinko's, or just mooch off a friend.
  • Man, we switched to black and white laser printing a long time ago to save money. All we print are maps, receipts, character sheets, etc., so we didn't need color. Papercraft is the only thing we miss out on.
    You could still make some stormtrooper Cubees, maybe?
  • Man, we switched to black and white laser printing a long time ago to save money. All we print are maps, receipts, character sheets, etc., so we didn't need color. Papercraft is the only thing we miss out on.
    I'm just the opposite. I only print Papercrafts, so an inkjet is the only worthwhile printer for me.
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