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Robot Chicken

edited September 2008 in Everything Else
This is just a small sample of its awesomeness
Voltron Gets Serve!


  • edited September 2008
    This is a favorite show of mine too. I love the Lil' Hitler sketch and the Dying Giraffe.

    Post edited by Viga on
  • edited September 2008
    "The Darkest Sketch in Television History" has got to be one of my favorites, you know, the one with the tooth fairy.
    Damn, can't find the full clip..
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Robot Chicken is pretty damn, funny. Too bad my cable company has such bad show info that most episodes are blocked, because there marked as Unrated.
  • Robot Chicken is pretty damn, funny. Too bad my cable company has such bad show info that most episodes are blocked, because there marked as Unrated.
    Are you sure no one has blocked them in your house?
  • Robot Chicken is pretty damn, funny. Too bad my cable company has such bad show info that most episodes are blocked, because there marked as Unrated.
    Hey, have you met ted?

    Seriously, torrenting all your shows can be so easy, for me it's easier than using my piece of shit Comcast-supplied DVR.
  • Robot Chicken is pretty damn, funny. Too bad my cable company has such bad show info that most episodes are blocked, because there marked as Unrated.
    Are you sure no one has blocked them in your house?
    Yes, my parents.
    Robot Chicken is pretty damn, funny. Too bad my cable company has such bad show info that most episodes are blocked, because there marked as Unrated.
    Hey, have you metted?

    Seriously, torrenting all your shows can be so easy, for me it's easier than using my piece of shit Comcast-supplied DVR.
    Time Warner Cable updated the OS on my DVR, to put it simply, it blows and from what I've heard, everyone else hates it and TWC dosen't care cause they run a fucking monopoly.
  • Robot Chicken is pretty damn, funny. Too bad my cable company has such bad show info that most episodes are blocked, because there marked as Unrated.
    Are you sure no one has blocked them in your house?
    Yes, my parents.
    You tube it then. Or Google search for a video site that has it.
  • Oh Snap another Star Wars episode :D
  • Oh Snap another Star Wars episode :D
    Ehh, I liked the first one better.
  • Robot Chicken is pretty damn, funny. Too bad my cable company has such bad show info that most episodes are blocked, because there marked as Unrated.
    Hey, have you metted?
    Was that a How I Met Your Mother reference? Because I think that was totally a How I Met Your Mother reference.
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