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Linux - Does Silverlight scare you?

edited September 2008 in Technology
I know that there is Moonlight, which I hear provides Silverlight 1 support, but does stuff like this scare my fellow Linux users? I feel like one web technology could essentially further cement the Windows monopoly. How do you feel?


  • Flash used to be non-Linux, look at it now. Hardware accelerated 3d used to be non-Linux look at it now. There's nothing to worry about.
  • Flash used to be non-Linux, look at it now. Hardware accelerated 3d used to be non-Linux look at it now. There's nothing to worry about.
    Were any of those locked down by Microsoft?
  • Flash used to be non-Linux, look at it now. Hardware accelerated 3d used to be non-Linux look at it now. There's nothing to worry about.
    Were any of those locked down by Microsoft?
    Didn't you just say that there is already a Linux version? Worst case scenario, just use WINE.
  • edited September 2008
    Flash used to be non-Linux, look at it now. Hardware accelerated 3d used to be non-Linux look at it now. There's nothing to worry about.
    Were any of those locked down by Microsoft?
    Didn't you just say that there is already a Linux version? Worst case scenario, just use WINE.
    Moonlight, supposedly, is only 1.0 compatible. I just worry they only did that to possibly lighten the outcry of angry Linux users.
    Post edited by m16 elitest on
  • Moonlight, supposedly, is only 1.0 compatible. I just worry they only did that to possibly lighten the outcry of angry Linux users.
    I wouldn't worry too much about it. For the longest time only Flash 7 worked on Linux, then Adobe hired someone.
  • I'm kinda waiting for someone to produce an open source version of flash. The biggest obstacle is that a program like Flash (the designing end) is on about the same level as Photoshop in terms of complexity.
  • I'm kinda waiting for someone to produce an open source version of flash. The biggest obstacle is that a program like Flash (the designing end) is on about the same level as Photoshop in terms of complexity.
    Gnash is trying to do that. It'd be nice if Adobe maybe had an employee work on it. I think it'd be neat if some devs could really take Gnash and possibly surpass Adobe's Flash.
  • Silverlight is a mere annoyance. A bit like WMP streams, it exists, but I've only seen it used once.
  • Silverlight is a mere annoyance. A bit like WMP streams, it exists, but I've only seen it used once.
    I've never even seen it. To me it's still this sort of phantom web platform, lurking out there for anyone unlucky enough to visit a site that would use it. Plus, if Silverlight was ONLY Windows-compatible, I think that most people would rather use Flash than alienate the slowly growing number of Windows users.
  • Silverlight is a mere annoyance. A bit like WMP streams, it exists, but I've only seen it used once.
    I've never even seen it. To me it's still this sort of phantom web platform, lurking out there for anyone unlucky enough to visit a site that would use it. Plus, if Silverlight was ONLY Windows-compatible, I think that most people would rather use Flash than alienate the slowly growing number of Linux users.
  • To clarify: Silverlight works on Windows and Mac OS X. I have only seen it used for NBC's Olympic streamy thing, and it is my personal belief and prediction that it is destined to fail. At this point, the fact that it isn't compatible with Linux is, in a way, the biggest reason it is nothing to worry about for Linux users. That is, it will never be used by webmasters because webmasters (the good ones, at least) try to make their website as easily accessible to the largest audience possible.

    This thread is over.
  • I have only seen it used for NBC's Olympic streamy thing,
    I too have only seen it on a similar site. NOS, a Dutch Sports TV Show, which was streaming the 2008 football championship.
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