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YouTube comments

edited September 2008 in Everything Else
I know that it is in general a bad idea to read or argue in the YouTube comments but sometimes I can't resist. The latest one I had and I'm still waiting for a response is on a video about the California Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage and how Fox News and O'Reilly spin it.

In the comments, someone says: "No society flourishes when it openly accepts homsexuality [sic]." I quickly point out that the ancient greeks and romans where pretty open about homosexuality.

His response: "Yes chaosof and look what happened to them. Thanks for proving my point and thanks for playing."

Sometimes I really wonder how stupid people can be.

Any run ins you had or do you generally avoid the YouTube comments.


  • Last summer me and my friend (jokingly) went and grammar policed almost every comment we could get our hands on in Soulja Boy videos. It got some good laughs.

    Since then, I usually never read comments. They get dumber and dumber each day.
  • Obligatory...
    Alt-text: I pray GunPistolMan never learns the word 'sheeple'.
  • Last summer me and my friend (jokingly) went and grammar policed almost every comment we could get our hands on in Soulja Boy videos. It got some good laughs.

    Since then, I usually never read comments. They get dumber and dumber each day.
    I thought I was the only one who did that.
  • Unfortunately, YouTube Comment Snob gives me really significant slowdown times while browsing YouTube, so I can't use it. :(
  • edited September 2008
    The other big problem with it is that sometimes the biggest dumbshits on Youtube use proper grammar, and sometimes people who post good and legitimate points just won't cap letters or use proper punctuation simply because they are feeling too lazy.
    Now if, instead of hiding comments, it actually fixed up the comments (capping the first letter, decapping everything else, truncating excessive punctuation, etc), and didn't slow stuff would be godly and I'd use it in a heartbeat.
    Post edited by Dkong on
  • Holy shit, the guy I was talking about quoted Rush Limbaugh's "35 Undeniable Truths". Now a prime example of how to spot a hopeless case.
  • I recall a minor incident where some random punk commented on a video from a camp I go to, and pointing out how everyone in the video is a "faggy idiot," a "gaywad," and other such intelligent phrases. I first responded by calling him out, to no avail (obviously), and he responded with more of the same. After that, I responded with a little something I stole from Rym during the Fire episode, and said "well, maybe I am homosexual, and maybe I find your mindless flaming rather attractive.. ^_~"

    He then posted on my profile with something about getting me some of my "favorite woodchuck semen." Needless to say, I got a fairly good laugh from that.
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