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edited September 2008 in Video Games
Yesterday, I went to my local Gamestop and I bought a game I have been dying to get for quite some time. That game was none other than Capcom's absolutely amazing game known as ÅŒkami which is available on the Wii . Despite the fact that it was once available for the PS2, I don't think it fit that platform for many reasons I don't care to go into.

Well, I'm happy to say that the wait (or rather the wait until I got enough cash to purchase said game) was really worth it for me. The one thing that is immediately and most often noticeable in this game is the art style. The artistic style of this game is without question beautiful and it reminds me almost exclusively of ancient Japanese paintings and murals. The other thing about this game that is quite satisfying is the control scheme. Aside from the standard move, attack, and jump controls, the unique gameplay in this game consists of using a magic paintbrush while you play to attack, cross barriers, and change the landscape in some cases. Each brush technique is based on a god from Shintoism folklore, and that is an incredibly enjoyable aspect about this game. I also love the story and find it greatly enjoyable to watch.

To wrap things up and to come to my questions to everyone in the forums, ÅŒkami is an insta-buy among all the crap Wii games out there. If anything, than this game is something that I predict Emily will both greatly enjoy and appreciate due to her past experiences in Japan (that is if she hasn't played it already).

My questions to you are the following: Would you ever consider buying ÅŒkami? If you already own ÅŒkami, what is your verdict on the game? Would you like to see a sequel to this game? Do you think ÅŒkami has potential to become a lucrative franchise in Capcom's family of franchises? I'm interested in hearing in your opinions on this game.


  • I really want to get this game, so I am adding it to the unfortunately expansive list of games I want to play. It's going to have to get in line behind Metroid Prime 3, Mario Kart Wii, No More Heroes, and One Piece: Unlimited Adventure.
  • I've got Okami for PS2, and I love it.The only major complaint I could level at the game is that it's too long. Fortunately for me I have too much time on my hands, so that's not really a problem for me.
  • I really want to get this game, so I am adding it to the unfortunately expansive list of games I want to play. It's going to have to get in line behind Metroid Prime 3, Mario Kart Wii, No More Heroes, and One Piece: Unlimited Adventure.
    Actually, no more heroes isn't that good of a game... I feel like it just isn't finished. Sure, it's full of creativity, but it's not enjoyable to play, it's repetitive and boring, until you get to a cut scene.

    As for Ã…ÂŒkami, every time I hear of it I want to play it, but when I go and buy games, I always forget to buy it.
  • GeoGeo
    edited September 2008
    I really want to get this game, so I am adding it to the unfortunately expansive list of games I want to play. It's going to have to get in line behind Metroid Prime 3, Mario Kart Wii, No More Heroes, and One Piece: Unlimited Adventure.
    It is well worth your money Li. When the chance to buy it is presented, immediately jump at it and add it to your collection (that is if you have one) whenever possible.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • I really want to get this game, so I am adding it to the unfortunately expansive list of games I want to play. It's going to have to get in line behind Metroid Prime 3, Mario Kart Wii, No More Heroes, and One Piece: Unlimited Adventure.
    Actually, no more heroes isn't that good of a game... I feel like it just isn't finished. Sure, it's full of creativity, but it's not enjoyable to play, it's repetitive and boring, until you get to a cut scene.

    As for Ã…ÂŒkami, every time I hear of it I want to play it, but when I go and buy games, I always forget to buy it.
    I was the same way, until I said to myself "You know what, I'll just buy it right now so I can stop bugging myself about it".
  • I'll have to rent it this weekend, or see if there is a cheap, used copy at game stop. Then again, I do want to get Spore, well, guess it's time to sell those shit games I bought when I was like 13.
  • I also just recently beat Okami for the PS2 (it was on my pile of shame for a good long while), and I can't say I love it. In fact, I sold it to a friend of mine because I knew that I would never play it again. As beautiful as Okami is, and somewhat innovative in its gameplay mechanics, it was way way WAY too long. The comparison to Zelda will always come up, so I'll do it briefly. As childish as Zelda can be, it never offends me as much as the dialogue of Okami did. And people give Zelda a bad rep for not innovating in terms of puzzles and the items used. But at least Zelda has a wide range of items, which I felt Okami fell very short. Combat, for instance, in Okami is extremely repetitive, where there is really only one effective way to kill any enemy or boss, whereas in Zelda you have at least two or three ways. And how many freaking times do I have to run long distances to get from one place to another is Okami? Honestly, the sailing in Wind Waker was more entertaining than running through the world of Okami. So Okami is awesome art, awesome boss fights, but boring and mundane and repetitive everything else.

    But don't let me sway you, I know lots of people love the game. I'm just a part-time hardcore gamer with not enough time on his hands for games like this.
  • I have the Wii version. I've played it a little bit, but not too much. I'll get to beating it eventually. It's just Zelda.
  • I have the Wii version. I've played it a little bit, but not too much. I'll get to beating it eventually. It's just Zelda.
    Yeah, but with Japanese folk lore instead of medieval fantasy.
  • I rented it over the weekend and put in 2 x 7-hour shifts. The game is so addictive. It's worth a buy for me later in the future.
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