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Is my DS gonna die?

edited September 2008 in Video Games
Today during another 8 hour FF Tactics A2 Marathon, I've started to notice that whenever I used jobs that required long range attack selections, it started to lag, a lot. It's terrible when I use the summoner attacks or some of the Blue Mage stuff.

So any Ideas? I think it's just that I've had this DS since it came out and It's getting kinda old, either that or the graphics card equivalent is almost shoot.


  • Does it lag in any other games?
  • Don't know, I'll have to check.
  • The lagging is not the game's fault, as I have not had any troubles in my 140+ hours of playing the game. As Günter said, try other games to see if the problem persists.
  • It's dead, Jim.
  • Is it an oldschool DS? Mine does the same thing when it has to render a large movement/attack grid. My friend hasn't noticed it on her DS Lite.
  • Is it an oldschool DS? Mine does the same thing when it has to render a large movement/attack grid. My friend hasn't noticed it on her DS Lite.
    That's very interesting. I was under the impression that the two systems had identical hardware. Maybe not? Maybe the firmware is different?
  • It happens to me occasionally with large attack grids too, on an approx. 1-year-old DS Lite. It's only really ever happened with my fusilier character, though.
  • Judging from the visual styles and details, it's no surprise that it's doing this. I noticed some lagging on moving characters and some other stuff that really should not of lagged.
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