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Strange Internet connection issues

edited September 2008 in Technology
I've been having some weird Internet problems with my PC lately, and I hope you guys are able to help me fix them.

Every so often (multiple times daily) my web pages in Firefox (and IE and Safari for Windows) stop loading. But it's not the typical Firefox "Page Load Error" page--If I open something in a new tab, it doesn't load at all. If I click on a link to stay in the same tab, nothing happens and the tab stays on the same page. However, AIM stays connected, and uTorrent continues running normally. All the other computers on the same net work, wireless or otherwise, continue working normally. If I reboot my computer, everything returns to normal, until this happens again, that is.

Have any of you at least heard of a problem like this before? It's incredibly annoying, and I'd like to get it fixed.


  • Hmm...weird. I would have to defer to the more experienced forum members on this one. Backup and reinstall, I suppose?
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