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Miyazaki hates Computers!?, (& more Morio-kun bashing?)


  • I like how you spell "computers" two different ways in the span of 6 words.
  • I like how you spell "computers" two different ways in the span of 6 words.
    Also worth noting is that he spelled it wrong both times.
  • Also worth noting
  • Is it surprising he's set in his ways? That said, I think it's a bit out of order for him to put down someone else's medium of choice.
  • Computer's what? Seriously, I need to know.
  • edited September 2008
    Computer's what? Seriously, I need to know.
    Or is it "Miyazaki hates computer is"?


    This thread has now officially been derailed as a "bash Morio Kun's horrible grammar" thread.
    Post edited by Dkong on
  • "Miyazaki hates computers" is a little misleading. He apparently believes animation should be hand-drawn, but he's definitely used computers in his films.
  • "Miyazaki hates computers" is a little misleading. He apparently believes animation should be hand-drawn, but he's definitely used computers in his films.
    Thanks for not adding to the bashing!
  • I like how you spell "computers" two different ways in the span of 6 words.
    Also worth noting is that he spelled it wrong both times.
    What? I missed this? Curse you time zones, curse you! As for the topic at hand, misleading title, perhaps read the article before attempting to put on the sensationalist reporter coat.
  • Morio-Kun, be careful. You were happy to be off probation and you are on your way back. Take your time and spell check okay.
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