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Don LaFontaine died...

edited September 2008 in Everything Else
So I bring you this awesome video in remembrance.



  • edited September 2008
    Shit, another person with an awesome voice has left us. D: RIP, Don. If I were religious, I would tell you to challenge God to that voice-off that everyone's always wanted to hear.

    Post edited by Eryn on
  • This is what happens when you smoke.
  • This is what happens when you smoke.

    This isn't Don, despite what the video title says, but it fits.
  • This is what happens when you smoke.
    Except when you die from complications of a blood clot in your lungs that is in no way related to use of tobacco products.
  • I can't believe this happened! Don LaFontaine was awesome. Now who is going to take the position of the Voice of God?!
  • Except when you die from complications of a blood clot in your lungs that is in no way related to use of tobacco products.
    Where'd you see that?
  • In a world... where stuff sucks... this takes the cake. Not coming this summer to any theater near you... Don LaFontaine.

    This seriously does suck, it seemed that he was a really cool guy.
  • Where'd you see that?
    His Wikipedia and related links...
    The related links say his lung collapsed, I don't see anything about a clot unrelated to smoking.
  • In a world... where stuff sucks... this takes the cake. Not coming this summer to any theater near you... Don LaFontaine.

    This seriously does suck, it seemed that he was a really cool guy.
    Amen to that brother, now all movie trailers will decline forever.
  • In a world... where stuff sucks... this takes the cake. Not coming this summer to any theater near you... Don LaFontaine.

    This seriously does suck, it seemed that he was a really cool guy.
    Amen to that brother, now all movie trailers will decline forever.
    With the respect to the guy as a human being, his take on trailers was so overused and over-the-top that it long ago stopped being cool and started being a pale parody of itself. His voice-over performance was awesome in the 80s, but like leg-warmers and Jennifer Grey it was a relic of a bygone era.
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