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Mythbusters Barred From Airing RFID Episode

edited September 2008 in Technology
Engadget wrote:Since Discovery is an ad-supported channel, it's not surprising that it backed down, but we'd say that the credit card industry would be far better served spending money on actually improving security rather than lawyering up and trying to keep consumers in the dark
Seriously. What the hell.


  • Adam Savage gave a talk at the HOPE conference recently. You can find the vid on Youtube, but that's basically the story. They got on the phone, and so did legal counsel for the major credit card companies. Discovery said "no." It's the sad reality of doing a show like Mythbusters; eventually, someone isn't going to want people to know that their shit doesn't stink.
  • edited September 2008
    It's definitely disappointing. To me, a lot of their episodes as of late seem to have been about fluffier or more obscure myths, and there hasn't been a lot of really groundbreaking or truly interesting stuff as of late. Well no wonder that's the case, if their better ideas either get shot down by Discovery (in the case of the food thing mentioned in the Engadget video) or legally forced down by paranoid companies.

    It'd be great if other groups end up going out and doing the same experiments that the Mythbusters were going to show, but I doubt that such experiments would get nearly the amount of exposure that your typical Mythbusters episode gets.
    Post edited by Eryn on
  • This is why you do a podcast, and not TV. Nobody can tell you what to do.
  • This is why you do a podcast, and not TV. Nobody can tell you what to do.
    Mythbusters wouldn't quite work as a podcast, methinks. A videoblog definitely, but given the fact that the budget they require is substantially more than anything most people can pony up on their own, you sort of need some corporate backing.
  • Adam is an awesome dude. He is like what I would be if I was a 40-something year old geek. Yeah, Mythbusters seems to be a little more lofty than it use to be, and not as hard hitting with the facts.
  • This is why you do a podcast, and not TV. Nobody can tell you what to do.
    "If you'd like to see more of this... or even if you don't, I couldn't give a rat's ass, cause we're gonna do it, it's the Internet, just try to fucking stop us. :)"
  • maybe they'll release it as a DVD special feature. "THE EPISODE BIG BUSINESS DIDN'T WANT YOU TO SEE!!!"
  • maybe they'll release it as a DVD special feature. "THE EPISODE BIG BUSINESS DIDN'T WANT YOU TO SEE!!!"
    I doubt it, if they did, they would face serious consequences. Discovery no where near has the legal team needed to do this.
  • RFID hacking is too trivial, they don't need to do an episode. Anyone who's ever tried to use a tag reader on a crowded elevator is well aware of how simplistic it is to DoS an RFID system.
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