So I'm watching the RNC and I have stuff to say, so here goes.
Just saw Romney's speech, and, IMO, it absolutely sucked. It was poorly written, poorly delivered, and consisted entirely of applause-generating throw-away one-liners (hyphens!).
Huckabee's is on now, and I have to say he is about the most likeable nut you'll ever see. His speech (party-affiliation and political views aside) is, so far, well-written and delivered, though I must say the line about Palin getting more votes as mayor of Wasilla than Joe Biden got in his presidential run fails my fact check, as Wasilla has a population of just over 6,000.
Anticipating Palin's speech. Your thoughts?
EDIT: Huckabee just finished. The bit about the desks was brilliant; Romney didn't have anything like that. Very impressed.
Woah. He just said Palin has more experience than the whole Democratic ticket combined. REALLY? Don't think so, sorry Rudy. He's getting more and more ridiculous as the speech goes on.
"How dare they ask if Palin will have enough time to deal with her children!?" Did he not hear that Obama came out strongly against anyone criticizing Palin's family? That said, having a child with Down syndrome and taking a job where you will have almost zero time to be with the child is probably a bad idea.
Edit: She mentioned the Bridge to Nowhere, which she flip-flopped on.
That would be like the democrats saying Obama has served in the battlefield of chicago's gang land or something.
Jason lives close to the Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame. Jason must be a rock star.
Here's some fact-checking on the RNC Convention.
I'm in a pickle. I don't like McCain's war-hawk attitude. However, I'm not a fan of Obama's economic platform.
I think I need to compare Obama's economic positions to those of Bill Clinton. After all, the economy wasn't shabby at all under Clinton. If the two aren't far apart, then I imagine I will swing for Obama.
And I am especially biased against people who like her based on last night's speech -- which was written by McCain's staff months ago and adapted for her two days ago. Do you really think that prepared remarks show the strength of anyone but speech writers?
If you care about the economy, vote for people who agree with your economic principles in the house of representatives, where the purse strings are.
Bush appointed this guy. This guy did not deserve the job. Instead of doing his job, he was more concerned with making a shrine to himself. I'd say that was pretty much Bush's fault.
Jason, I haven't heard a speech that passionate since Obama spoke last week. My heart's all a-flutter. I do believe I'm getting a case of the vapors. It's a good thing I have a fainting couch in my office.
EDIT: In the interests of being fair, I'll have to say that Bill Clinton's repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act didn't help. There's a reason for these regulations, just like there's a reason for a governor on a steam engine. If you let things run wild, shenanigans result.
However, you can't advocate secession and then run for the second-highest office in the country. They are disparate goals that can't be held in tandem.