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Warhammer 40k: Space Marine

edited September 2008 in Video Games

The game is early but looks fucking sweet.


  • The only way that they could make this game look more awesome would be the announcement that you can play as a Dreadnought.
  • Man, this is what the 40k MMO should look like. It would be perfect.
  • Wow, just wow.

    I have one gripe though, I don't like the way the camera changes view when finishing moves are performed. Seems a little jarring.

    Maybe it's just me, but hopefully they'll polish that or have an option to turn it off.
  • So far it looks like a shallow, albeit stylish action game with minor shooting elements. I'll definitely have to wait for a later build to pass judgment on this one.
  • Rather brown isn't it? Though this probably suits the license...

    I have to agree on the camera thing though. It would be better if the camera stayed behind the marine, but moved around to show him do his finishing moves.
  • So far it looks like a shallow, albeit stylish action game with minor shooting elements. I'll definitely have to wait for a later build to pass judgment on this one.
    I concur. Graphics look nice, and I'm sure the fighting mechanics are robust, but the real appeal of 40k is in the personality that goes into it. This looks like a 40k skin on top of Generic Action Game.

    Of course, this is still early. If they do add personality to this, then it could be pretty good.
  • Warhammer 40k was my childhood. Many, many hours playing and painting, so I'm always interested to what people do with it. Although he says that it's the first time the 40k universe has been done so "up close and personal", I think Fire Warrior by Kuju on the PS2 was an action orientated FPS that was also "up close and personal".
  • A friend tells me Fire Warrior fails epically.
  • "Up close and personal" suit's this game, IMO.

    The character looks like a Marine Sergeant, as he is equipped with a Bolt Pistol and a Chain Sword. They just aren't equipped for drawn out fire fights.

    Now, if I could play as a Devastator armed with a Plasma Cannon, that might be fun. ^_^
  • The character looks like a Marine Sergeant, as he is equipped with a Bolt Pistol and a Chain Sword. They just aren't equipped for drawn out fire fights.
    Actually, if you look closely you will see that it's a standard Bolter.
  • The character looks like a Marine Sergeant, as he is equipped with a Bolt Pistol and a Chain Sword. They just aren't equipped for drawn out fire fights.
    Actually, if you look closely you will see that it's a standard Bolter.
    Ah, you are right. Marines still have a tactical advantage in close combat versus some creatures tho, like normal humans.
  • I didn't recognize the iconography on the protagonist marine's shoulder. Does anyone know what chapter he's from?
  • I thought he might have been an Ultramarine from his colouring, but looking at the iconography I now have no idea.
  • I thought he might have been an Ultramarine from his colouring, but looking at the iconography I now have no idea.
    How can you identify Warhammer guys base don coloring? Don't you choose the colors yourself?
  • How can you identify Warhammer guys base don coloring? Don't you choose the colors yourself?
    While you have the freedom to paint your guys however you want, there are several canonical paint schemes that are identified with specific units. You can use one of them, modify it to your liking, or create your own.
  • I have one gripe though, I don't like the way the camera changes view when finishing moves are performed. Seems a little jarring.

    Maybe it's just me, but hopefully they'll polish that or have an option to turn it off.
    What I thought. I'm not a Warhammer fan, but I'll look forward to this.
  • I thought he might have been an Ultramarine from his colouring, but looking at the iconography I now have no idea.
    Actually, I think he might be an Ultramarine. I pulled out my trusty Codex and from the looks of it, Ultramarine Veterans (1st comapny) use that metal shoulder trim color that he's got. The blue is a bit more subdued, but it's definitely a solid blue. As for the iconography, I didn't see the inverted omega anywhere, but the icons used could still be seen on an Ultramarine.

    They're probably trying to be generic-ish in terms of the chapter, as dedicated 40k players are probably going to have strong feelings about having to play as a specific chapter, like those pussy Black Templars.
  • It reminds me a bit of God of War. That isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I don't want God of War cloned with a WH40K skin on it either.

    The marine certainly reminds me of an Ultramarine, and they tend to be the most popular chapter along with Blood Angels. I wonder if you will play the same marine throughout or if you will move from character to character. A spiffy idea, to add flavor to the game, would be if they have you follow the career of a marine. Start as a scout, move to a real marine, then into a marine in terminator armor, then hand you some psychic powers or something. Chainsaws are neat, but most 40K fans will want other weapons, like the power-hammer and such.

    I do love the idea of being a Dreadnought, but I wonder how that would lend itself to the fast-paced close combat system they're trying to go for. Dreadnoughts are beefy, but slow.
  • God, playing as a Dreadnought would be awesome. It'd have to be a heavy shooting sequence, though; maybe a Painkiller-esque game where you fight waves of enemies.
  • God, playing as a Dreadnought would be awesome. It'd have to be a heavy shooting sequence, though; maybe a Painkiller-esque game where you fight waves of enemies.
    Well, you're a scientist. Get cracking on that whole life-support/killing machine thing.
  • How come I never heard of this game before? I'm an Ultramarine player. I should have heard of this.
  • Blood Angels FTW! Go space vampires!
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