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Mr. Clean's Magic Erasers

edited September 2008 in Everything Else
I don't remember who it was that recommended these things, but you are fucking awesome. At the grocery store yesterday I finally remembered to buy some. Today I decide to try them out. I had no idea what to expect.

Basically, you open the box, and there are four white foam blocks. You take a block, and you get it wet. Then you squeeze the water out. After that, just find the mess you want to clean up, and rub away. I mostly used it to clean spots off of painted walls in the bathroom, kitchen, and hallway. It didn't clean some of the more severe spots completely, but it still did a damn good job. All of the more minor marks, like greasy handprints or marks from shoes that hit the wall, were completely erased.

These things are easy to use. They work. They are safe to use on all sorts of surfaces that you don't know how to clean otherwise. The only problem I have with this product is that they wear out very quickly. We already used 2.5 of the four blocks. I'm always going to keep some of them in the house, and I'm going to try out the heavy duty ones for some of those more severe stains in the bathroom.


  • My aunt loves these things for when the kids draw on the wall.
  • Sail, weren't you the one who exploded something in the bathroom and they used the magic eraser to clean it off the walls?
  • I love these things. They get rid of all sorts of ugly marks on surfaces Windex would ruin.
  • Sail, weren't you the one who exploded something in the bathroom and they used the magic eraser to clean it off the walls?
    That was Eric.
  • The first generation of these lasted longer.
  • My mother worshiped these last time I went to her house, I use them occasionally.
  • ... I'm going to try out the heavy duty ones for some of those more severe stains in the bathroom.
    What kind of "severe" stains do you have on your bathroom? :P
  • I had to use these to clean handprints off of the ceilings when I was younger and liked jumping up and touching the ceilings....:D
  • Sail, weren't you the one who exploded something in the bathroom and they used the magic eraser to clean it off the walls?
    I see what you did there.
  • What kind of "severe" stains do you have on your bathroom? :P
    The bathroom is pretty stupid, and it has painted walls above the shower. The fan that removes steam from the bathroom is insufficient. Thus, there is some mildewy soap scum growing up above the shower.
  • edited September 2008
    Sail, weren't you the one who exploded something in the bathroom and they used the magic eraser to clean it off the walls?
    I see what you did there.
    That wasn't me. That was a different punk kid. But it's not like it matters to you, all of us youngin's are the same.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited September 2008
    It was HungryJoe who recommended them.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • I'm glad he recommended those, because nothing else I used was working to get the exploded smoke bomb off the wall.
  • Adam and I have been using these for years. They do leave behind a fine white powder, so be prepared for that. They are pretty great despite that drawback.
  • They do leave behind a fine white powder, so be prepared for that.
    Yeah, we just noticed. I suspect they are actually paint, and not actually cleaning anything. I really want to know how they work.
  • I really want to know how they work.
  • I use them in my classrooms as whiteboard erasers. They erase and clean at the same time. Brilliant!
  • I use them in my classrooms as whiteboard erasers. They erase and clean at the same time. Brilliant!
    Do they actually work on whiteboards? Whiteboards can be really hard to clean.
  • Formaldehyde?
  • Well, at the end of the day everything will give you cancer, right?
  • Do they actually work on whiteboards? Whiteboards can be really hard to clean.
  • edited September 2008
    Well, at the end of the day everything will give you cancer, right?
    Yeah, including the sun, oxygen, and genetics. That being said, it doesn't hurt to reasonably avoid carcinogenesis when possible and live a healthier lifestyle in general. It is a lot better than chemo, radiation, surgery and death. PREACH!
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • Well, if you're worried about the cancer, better stop drinking the ethanols.
    - People in high-income countries were the least likely to believe that drinking alcohol increases the risk of cancer. In that group, 42% said alcohol does not increase the risk. That compares with only 26% of respondents in middle-income countries and 15% in low-income countries saying that alcohol use does not increase the risk of cancer. In fact, cancer risk rises as alcohol intake increases.

    - In high-income countries, the hazards of not eating enough fruits and vegetables scored more highly as a perceived risk (59%) than alcohol intake did (51%), even though the scientific evidence for the protective effect of fruit and vegetables is weaker than the evidence that alcohol intake is harmful.

    - In rich countries, stress (57%) and air pollution (78%) scored higher as perceived risk factors for cancer than did alcohol intake. However, stress is not recognized as a cause of cancer and air pollution is a minor contributor compared with alcohol consumption.
  • edited September 2008
    Better start smoakin' weed, then.
    Cannabidiol, also known as "CBD", is a major constituent of medical cannabis. CBD represents up to 40% of extracts of the medical cannabis plant. Cannabidiol ... inhibits cancer cell growth
    Though, yes, I realize that Cannabidiol can be isolated and used as treatment.

    Post edited by Dkong on
  • Sail, weren't you the one who exploded something in the bathroom and they used the magic eraser to clean it off the walls?
    I see what you did there.
    I was hoping someone would.
  • Formaldehyde?
    That stuff smells terrible. It smells like a weird, disgusting, sweet smell.
  • I might just have to try these out. Any good for dried congealed printer ink on wood flooring?
  • I might just have to try these out. Any good for dried congealed printer ink on wood flooring?
    Maybe. It's worth a shot.
  • I might just have to try these out. Any good for dried congealed printer ink on wood flooring?
    I mentioned this is the other thread as an example.

    Back in May, my parents had my half-brother and his family over for a few weeks. My youngest niece decided to be artistic and grabbed those super thick permanent black markers and wrote all over one of the bedroom walls. My half-brother got a Magic Eraser and got rid of all the stains. The wall was also painted light blue, and it still looked good.
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