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The Godfather

edited September 2008 in Everything Else
I just finished watching The Godfather Part 1 last night for the very first time (go ahead and pelt me with cabbages if you want) and I'm now starting to watch The Godfather Part 2. I, and the rest of the world think that next to Citizen Kane, I think that it is one of the greatest American films to ever be put on film strips in the history of mankind. I defy anyone to find anything wrong with the first film (please don't make this a "we hate Godfather 3" thread) and if anyone tries than they obviously are a punk kid or someone who either despises live action movies or someone with no taste in any kind of art medium whatsoever. But that's just me being an elitist prick. Seriously though, I have not met anyone who does not like this movie. Whenever I mention it in a conversation, everybody always has something good to say about this movie.

Are you of the mind that the Godfather Part 1 is an amazing film with very little flaw? If there are any flaws, what are they?


  • The only flaw that I can find is that I haven't seen the movie yet. It is up there on the movies that I need to see list, but I have not had access to a copy of it yet.
  • edited September 2008
    The only flaw it has is that it can't bent time and space so it can be in everybody's memories :P
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • The only flaw it has is that it can't bent time and space so it can me in everybody's memories :P
    Its only flaw is that, while good, it is not as awesome as the book.
  • The only flaw that I can find is that I haven't seen the movie yet. It is up there on the movies that I need to see list, but I have not had access to a copy of it yet.
    Just netflix the movie or go out and rent it at your local Blockbuster. I may not know your Movies list but imho, it should occupy the top space as it is a must-see.
  • My problem is that I am now a poor college student so I don't have access to Netflix and I can't actually get to a video store. Maybe I can get it from the Library.
  • The only flaw it has is that it can't bent time and space so it can me in everybody's memories :P
    Its only flaw is that, while good, it is not as awesome as the book.
    While you do have a good point there and I do indeed enjoy the book quite a lot, I appreciate the movie more because the cast make the book characters come to life and the music is unforgettable.
  • The book is a pretty entertaining work, the movie is a masterpiece.
  • I thought that the second film was a bit long (I admittedly fell asleep the first time I watched it), but both the first two movies are in my top however-many-movies lists. The only real bad thing about the first two are that they share a name with part 3.
  • The first time I watched it was on a dodgy VHS that didn't have subtitles for the bits in Italian which made it little harder to understand.
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