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Fun things to do on the ceiling.

edited September 2008 in Everything Else
Over the past few weeks I've been building an interesting project in my juggling studio. Check out this very, very rough test video:

Room 102

There is much more I want to do to my room to make it look better (actually like a room, not a box) and a fixture for making the camera track better. Then hopefully, in another month or two I'll put some cool video previews of the show I'll be premiering next spring on youtube and stuff. I have a lot of ideas for the live show, but if you have any cool ideas of things I could do with this setup for youtube videos, feel free to add you ideas below.


  • That's pretty impressive. The only thing I saw that was wrong was the back (bottom?) of the box was flapping around a bit.
  • Just the fact that you have a juggling studio makes you fucking awesome.
  • edited September 2008
    Sorry, but this immediately came to mind.

    Post edited by Vhdblood on
  • That's pretty impressive. The only thing I saw that was wrong was the back (bottom?) of the box was flapping around a bit.
    Yeah, I just screwed the back in place a few minutes before. That falls under one of the many things I need to do to make this look a lot better. Lighting is the next thing I'm going to work on though, and the camera tracking, as the shadows and wobbliness really give it away.
    Sorry, but this immediately came to mind.
    Of course!
  • Nice, very nice. Question, what did you make that room out off? And perhaps show how you rigged it up off-screen. :D
  • Though I know you probably didn't set your box/room up nearly the same way, it still reminds me of that gimbal set they used in Poltergeist when the mom is getting rolled along the walls and ceiling of her bedroom. I always loved how that effect looks. :D You can see a video of the outside of their set in action in this video, skipping ahead to about 5:45 in:

  • Have you thought about making a video where you "juggle" with yourself? One of you on the ceiling and another on the floor? I'm not really familiar with video techniques, but it seems like a cool idea.
  • Nice, very nice. Question, what did you make that room out off? And perhaps show how you rigged it up off-screen. :D
    I'll put up some photos of the rigging some time tomorrow when it is a bit further along construction wise. Today I'm working on a camera mount and lighting.
    Have you thought about making a video where you "juggle" with yourself? One of you on the ceiling and another on the floor? I'm not really familiar with video techniques, but it seems like a cool idea.
    I've done this before. I've performed a 5 minute where I actually have a juggling battle against myself on stage which always gets a good reaction. In the room it could look very impressive.

    Here is a very old video of me testing out the juggling with myself idea:
  • Here is a very old video of me testing out the juggling with myself idea:
    That's pretty good, but you're using the incredibly obvious "throw it off screen" trick. I know it would be a lot more difficult to not use that trick, but I can't believe that it's impossible. If you pulled it off, it would be mega impressive.
  • New video with camera fixed better to the structure: Room 103 Next thing to fix is the lighting, but that requires more shopping.
    That's pretty good, but you're using the incredibly obvious "throw it off screen" trick.
  • New video with camera fixed better to the structure:Room 103Next thing to fix is the lighting, but that requires more shopping.
    If you really want to be picky, you need to pay attention to your clothes. If you notice while you are approaching the right wall, you will see your shirt to start pushing out "magically". Perhaps tuck your shirt in or wear tighter clothes?
  • New video with camera fixed better to the structure:Room 103Next thing to fix is the lighting, but that requires more shopping.
    Whahahaha, that was awesome. I loved the little acting, running into the floor, awesome. As for light, perhaps a lamp mounted on the same frame as the camera is? That way the lighting would constantly come from the same side, and remain in the proper position.
  • As for light, perhaps a lamp mounted on the same frame as the camera is? That way the lighting would constantly come from the same side, and remain in the proper position.
    Great idea! Make the room dark, and have the only light be in the box itself.
  • As for light, perhaps a lamp mounted on the same frame as the camera is? That way the lighting would constantly come from the same side, and remain in the proper position.
    Great idea! Make the room dark, and have the only light be in the box itself.
    This is the plan, of course, I just need to go out and buy the cables. The trick bit is running eclectic cables onto something that revolves without the wire either twisting too much, tangling or being too unsafe. Building this thing is actually like work.
  • This is the plan, of course, I just need to go out and buy the cables
    Battery powered flashlight.
  • I've been inspired by this video:

    I want that crew to come decorate my room!
  • Nice, Other than slightly shaky cam it's great. Practice makes perfect. One day when you're rich and famous, this video will be worth a lot. All your fanboys will be clammering for it, stink and all.
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