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The New iPod Nano, Touch and Classic

edited September 2008 in Everything Else
They are pretty nice. Anybody thinking about buying one? I currently own the 5th generation 30GB classic. I've had it over a year a now. It's served me quite well. The old 20GB I owned before that was decent as well but its battery life was terrible. I also like the new iTouch. The Internet browsing it offers is appealing but other than that, I could care less about the video games. I own a DS which works quite well for me. I could always go for another classic with the new 120GB drive. Which would be over kill for me. I barely ever go over 10GB on my iPod now.


  • If I didn't just buy an iPhone, I would have bought the new nano.
  • edited September 2008
    I really prefer not to buy apple. They'll slim something down by 1/8th of an inch, add one new feature or increase storage space by a couple gigs, then jack up the price, and people buy it. Geniuses and sheep, if you ask me.

    I don't have much use for mp3 players. My car doesn't have any good way to play them...

    Post edited by Dkong on
  • I don't have much use for mp3 players. My car doesn't have any good way to play them...
    So install something. It's really easy.
  • I'm getting the 120GB classic for my birthday. My current 30GB isn't cutting it.
  • I'm getting the 120GB classic for my birthday. My current 30GB isn't cutting it.
    Yeah, the newer and thinner ones are much sharper.
  • edited September 2008
    I don't have much use for mp3 players. My car doesn't have any good way to play them...
    Get one. But don't just get any old one. Some work better than others.
    I'm getting the 120GB classic for my birthday. My current 30GB isn't cutting it.
    Yeah, the newer and thinner ones are much sharper.
    That took me a minute.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Yeah, the newer and thinner ones are much sharper.
  • Get one.But don't just get any old one. Some work better than others.
    I don't have a tape deck, dude. No aux jack, either. Best I can do is an FM transmitter. I've used about 3 of my friends. One worked pretty well, the other 2 didn't. Don't wanna bother fucking with em, really.
    So install something. It's really easy.
    And costly, I'd imagine. If you could point me to something cheap and easy, please do.
  • Best Buy has some stuff, and if I'm not mistaken they do free installation. Plus, if Best Buy has them, then there are surely others who have them for cheaper. You probably have a Tweeter or the like in your local area that would be a good place to check as well.
  • I don't have much use for mp3 players. My car doesn't have any good way to play them...
    >__> It comes with earbuds ffs.

    As for the new Nano, it looks so freaking awesome. Perhaps I should get one to replace my 3 year old Nano. And why would you buy a new iPod if you got one merely a year ago?
  • I was hoping for a bigger Shuffle announcement. I need a new cheap flash based player to run with and was hoping they would bump the capacity to 4GB. Oh well, the new blue color looks pretty nice.
  • edited September 2008
    And costly, I'd imagine. If you could point me to something cheap and easy, please do.
    Replace your head unit with one that has an aux input jack. Don't get a fancy head unit. Get the super cheap one for $50-$100.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • I really want an ipod touch, but the $400 for a 32GB is just out of reach for me. I'd really like it to be in the $250-$300 range.
  • Does anyone else find it amusing that they even have a "classic" model of i-Pod? Seriously, what are they, like a Chevy or something? Can we get older ones in powder blue with a ragtop and chrome fenders?
  • Does anyone else find it amusing that they even have a "classic" model of i-Pod?
    Are you referring to its existence, or Apple's naming of the product?
  • Does anyone else find it amusing that they even have a "classic" model of i-Pod? Seriously, what are they, like a Chevy or something? Can we get older ones in powder blue with a ragtop and chrome fenders?
    Sort of... but with however many newer designs of iPod, ones built like the original would be "classic", even if the time that has passed isn't that long.
  • I'm planning on getting a 32 gb touch.
  • >__> It comes with earbuds ffs.
    Well in that case it wouldn't really do a whole lot of good to me. During the school year, I'm either at school, at work, at home (and usually on my computer or doing homework), in the car, or out with friends. Can't listen to mp3 players at school or work, if I'm on the computer I have my entire mp3 collection, if I'm in the car I would like to have an mp3 player, and if I'm out with friends there usually isn't much use for one, unless we're currently in the car.

    Hence, car is about the only use I'd really get out of one.
  • I don't have much use for mp3 players. My car doesn't have any good way to play them...
    >__> It comes with earbuds ffs.

    As for the new Nano, it looks so freaking awesome. Perhaps I should get one to replace my 3 year old Nano. And why would you buy a new iPod if you got one merely a year ago?
    It's true my iPod is only a year and half old, I really don't need to get a new one. My brother has the older Nano model and I've been thinking about getting one ever since. I love the new design and how small the nano is. Also the way you can flip the video screen is really nice. I could actually find myself watching videos on it. The iTouch is nice to with it' s built in web browsing. But I can't justify paying that much for one.
  • I just got a 80GB classic last year, so I'm happy with that. For me, iPod = music and nothing else, and i don't have over 80GB of music... yet. 60GB is pretty close though.
  • The FM transmitters work fine if you take the antenna off the car, most of them unscrew. Doing this will remove most of the outside interference. This also causes difficulty in picking up regular FM and AM stations, but it doesn't matter for me because I don't listen to the regular radio that much anyways.
  • The FM transmitters work fine if you take the antenna off the car, most of them unscrew. Doing this will remove most of the outside interference. This also causes difficulty in picking up regular FM and AM stations, but it doesn't matter for me because I don't listen to the regular radio that much anyways.
    Removing the antenna makes the FM transmitter work better, but they're all still crap.
  • I'm getting two classics, one for work and one for me.

    Yes, I actually do have almost 100 gigs of samples and stuff....Not to mention 110 gigs of music.
  • I've had a 160 gig Classic for a while now, and it's excellent (I have about 70 gigs of music on it right now, and that number keeps growing), but also my last Apple purchase. I'm sick of this innovation that caters to people who know next to nothing about how computers work ("Hey, if you shake it, it SHUFFLES!").

    If Apple wants to impress me enough to buy another one of their devices, they should add VLC-style support for tons of formats (OGM and AVI should be supported, at the very least) and make their SDK free and publicly available so that users can develop apps without people having to jailbreak the device or go through the "Apps Store". When I can switch over from watching an AVI video, to running a port of Snes9x, to chatting across several different protocols with Miranda, all on my iPod Touch, then I'll buy another Apple product.

    Until then, there are plenty of hackable portables and music players that can do the same.
  • ......
    edited September 2008
    they should add VLC-style support
    You were going tso good well. Though in light of the rest of your comment, do you really think Apple is that stupid? They will continue only supporting one (or however many self-owned formats they support) format as to make it hard for the consumer to illegally download a film, put it on their iPod and watch it. That way people are more inclined to buy films through the Apple store, hence resulting in more money for Apple. I also doubt they would let you emulate games, which is considered to be illegal by the majority of people (I agree with all the 'unavailable = okay to emulate' comments, this is not that topic), so Apple won't bother supporting that, not even in their app store. As for non-Apple protocols. *LAUGHS OUT LOUD* I need someone to make me a "THIS IS APPLEEEE! *BOOT*" gif.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • edited September 2008
    I'm really rather of the mind that it shouldn't be up to Apple to decide what I do with their product. It's like a PC: I would never purchase/install an OS that mandated what types of programs I could and could not use. The OS should only be a foundation on which whatever tool I want can be built.

    Now, the iPod Touch is a computer with an SDK that's available at a fee, and, thus, the same principles should apply to it as they do to any PC. When I pay $400 for a product, I want to be able to have that product do what I want. I hate the fact that just because Apple just happens to run a music/video store, I am automatically boxed into constraints imposed on a device to keep another one of the company's services (which I might not even use) profitable. As for emulation, it's not Apple's right to impose justice where they see fit. If it was, the player could refuse to play any DRM-free file. As we know, that's not the case.

    Portable video game systems like the DS and the PSP are different, because their Dev Kits aren't available to anyone who can pay the fee, and I accept the fact that I can't run unsigned code on my PSP without a lot of tinkering. I'm willing to go through the trouble necessary, because of what the PSP is and what it can do. However, when a company is willing to give out the SDK, the rules of the game change.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • ......
    edited September 2008
    You were going tso good well.
    WHA?! That wasn't wrong, was it? I demand proper explanation, that way I might learn of the problem and might be able to avoid future mistakes. Also, whomever made that correction, stop defiling my posts with your horribly outdated code, use the proper xhtml standards.
    I'm really rather of the mind that it shouldn't be up to Apple to decide what I do with their product. It's like a PC: I would never purchase/install an OS that mandated what types of programs I could and could not use. The OS should only be a foundation on which whatever tool I want can be built.

    Now, the iPod Touch is a computer with an SDK that's available at a fee, and, thus, the same principles should apply to it as they do to any PC. When I pay $400 for a product, I want to be able to have that product do what I want. I hate the fact that just because Apple just happens to run a music/video store, I am automatically boxed into constraints imposed on a device to keep another one of the company's services (which I might not even use) profitable. As for emulation, it's not Apple's right to impose justice where they see fit. If it was, the player could refuse to play any DRM-free file. As we know, that's not the case.
    Portable video game systems like the DS and the PSP are different, because their Dev Kits aren't available to anyone who can pay the fee, and I accept the fact that I can't run unsigned code on my PSP without a lot of tinkering. I'm willing to go through the trouble necessary, because of what the PSP is and what it can do. However, when a company is willing to give out the SDK, the rules of the game change.
    *facepalm* I thought about pointing out every stupidity made, but it's too much work. I can tell you this however, listen to Geeknights. :)
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • WHA?! That wasn't wrong, was it? I demand proper explanation, that way I might learn of the problem and might be able to avoid future mistakes.
    Good is an adjective while well is an adverb. You were modifying going so the proper word to use is well, not good.
  • edited September 2008
    Something that most people don't realize is the screen for the new ipod nanos are the exact same screen as the older "fatty" gen nanos. The only difference is the placement of the wheel, which makes it look "completely different". Now the additional of the other things (motion senses, rotating screen, etc) are quite nice, but since the screen is identical (both size and pixel wise) don't see a need to replace mine.

    EDIT: Link about screen, 4th paragraph down
    Post edited by Tasel on
  • the screen is identical (both size and pixel wise)
    Oh? Exactly? Dimensions and all? Hmmm, I thought the 3rd gen Nano screen was higher. Nice to know.
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