Who hid the jet plane in my Xbox360?
That "Alone in the Dark" Xbox360 I won several months ago finally arrived. The first thing I did was waste an hour getting the Netflix/Media Center plugin to work so I can watch Netflix streamed movies on the TV. I then spent the next five minutes trying to get the Xbox360 to sync to two computers. Now my Netflix plugin is broken
It ended up being the 20GB model and I just have to say that the fan in this thing is super noisy. Is it supposed to be this loud? Did I get an old one?
There is going to be an update this fall that will allow you to rip games to the HD which should reduce noise, a lot. The other option is try blowing it out with canned air or send it back to get it replaced, a pain? yes.
The irony is that the Apple Fanboi of FRCF is the one giving info about about Microsoft's Xbox.
As for the loud fan, wasn't that one of the methods Microsoft used to attempt and make the Xbox less likely to go RRoD on you?
Btw, that is the best thread title ever.