So, has anyone heard of
this? I've been using it all afternoon, and it seems really cool. Now, it's probably very situational, but I could see getting into the habit of using it all the time. I can see a lot of promise in it, because this is only an Alpha, and it's from Mozilla Labs, which hasn't disappointed in the past.
Anyway, I edited another code already made for I just don't know what the command should be. I made it sufficetosay for now though. You can just type su and then your message. It prompts you for your user and pass and then posts it automatically. This is the thing I've been looking for to actually make SufficetoSay useful for me. Anyway, I don't have a feed yet, but here's the code. Just type command-editor and throw this in the page. Also, what's the link for the favicon for the forums? I was going to add it to Ubiquity, but I couldn't find it.
name: "sufficetosay",
icon: "",
takes: {status: noun_arb_text},
modifiers: {},
preview: function(previewBlock, statusText) {
var previewTemplate = "Updates your SufficetoSay status to: <br /><b>${status}</b><br /><br />Characters remaining: <b>${chars}</b>";
var truncateTemplate = "<br />The last <b>${truncate}</b> characters will be truncated!";
var previewData = {
status: statusText.text,
chars: IDENTICA_STATUS_MAXLEN - statusText.text.length
var previewHTML = CmdUtils.renderTemplate(previewTemplate, previewData);
if(previewData.chars < 0) {
var truncateData = {
truncate: 0 - previewData.chars
previewHTML += CmdUtils.renderTemplate(truncateTemplate, truncateData);
previewBlock.innerHTML = previewHTML;
execute: function(statusText) {
if(statusText.text.length < 1) {
displayMessage("SufficetoSay requires a status to be entered");
var updateUrl = "";
var updateParams = {
source: "ubiquity",
status: statusText.text
type: "POST",
url: updateUrl,
data: updateParams,
dataType: "json",
error: function() {
displayMessage("SufficetoSay error - status not updated");
success: function() {
displayMessage("SufficetoSay status updated");
Edit: Scott, if you want to, it might be easiest to just throw a .js up on your server with this code in it. It shows you here how to do it.
Notice: Undefined variable: status in /var/www/ : regexp code on line 1
Notice: Undefined variable: chars in /var/www/ : regexp code on line 1
Notice: Undefined variable: truncate in /var/www/ : regexp code on line 1
I get this at the top of the page. Is it to do with Vimeo?
Hey Scott. Wanna get around to doing this? I think if you got this up and we told people about it in the sticky, we might get even more use out of Suffice to Say.
Linux on the laptop is the way to go. Gaming on laptops is stupid.
Defcon without a real mouse? blech.
Also, you're playing defcon again? Should we pick that back up as practice for Multiwinia? How about tonight?
And Eryn, you're a Mac user, right? Have you tried Quicksilver?
Also, Tyashki: Yes, I was using Quicksilver up until I replaced my previous laptop. I just keep forgetting to re-install it. I probably should pretty soon. XD;;