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Recording Guitar and Vocals

edited September 2008 in Technology
I'll be visiting the states in October, more precisely Houston, Texas for about 2 weeks. While I'm in America I want to buy myself a "cheap" mixer/ external sound card. So now I'm looking for some advice.
All I need the mixer to do is have 2 inputs with volume control for each - really just something very simple.

Any ideas?


  • What's your budget?
  • Hm, realistically speaking about 200€ ($284,08).
  • edited September 2008

    Microphone:AKG D-22.

    Soundcard:Siberia 51004SS.

    That's a terrible budget, maybe you'll find some better deals, depends where you go. You can spend the rest on recording software, or use this website.
    Post edited by La Petit Mort on
  • Check out Behringer stuff. I got a mixer that fits you descrption exactly for less than $100 and it's great. I'll give you a link if you need it when I get home.
  • You mean this?

    This is another good choice. I overlooked it, epic fail on my part.
  • Check out Behringer stuff. I got a mixer that fits you descrption exactly for less than $100 and it's great. I'll give you a link if you need it when I get home.
    Is there a quality difference between this and a $600 mixer? I've been wanting to pick one up for a while, but I wasn't ready to invest that much money.
  • Mine is the Ub502. It has one XLR mic input and a bunch of cable inputs. It was $30. There's one with one more mic input for only about $20 more.
  • Mine is the Ub502. It has one XLR mic input and a bunch of cable inputs. It was $30. There's one with one more mic input for only about $20 more.
    Low end Behringer stuff sucks, but then again, everything suck at those prices.
  • edited September 2008
    It's perfect for my purposes. It records my voice and acoustic bass through an SM57 very well and my bass and guitar though the input just fine. Even slap bass sounds great.

    I've never encountered something Behringer made that I didn't like. They make some kickass amps too.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Not quite, might be to your ears, but nowhere near a professionally done recording.
  • edited September 2008
    Where has anyone mentioned "professional"?
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Well, considering it's my line of work...

    Does not matter, these days, you can make almost anything sound good with software.
  • My main problem with recording is that I'm very sensitive to bad sounding recordings. If the recording isn't just the way I want it I start all over again to get the right sound. We've done quite a few recordings by just renting a recording studio, but that really isn't viable if your just 1 guy.
    Is there a noticeable quality difference between the Lexicon and the Behringer?

    And what would be the budget be to get a good mixer?
  • I picked up an Alesis USB mixer with 4 XLR inputs and 2 1/4" inputs for about $250. MultiMix 8 There are bigger ones now if you need more inputs, but for what you're needing, this could work.
  • Would I still need a sound card using that mixer?
  • To listen to the sound, yes. To record, nope. Just a USB input and software to process it.
  • What did you end up getting?
  • edited December 2008
    I got myself a new guitar and rented a recording "studio"...

    Though I'm still on the look out.
    Post edited by kiwi_bird on
  • This is the novation nio 2/4 usb audio interface. It is designed for guitar and vocals and under $200 (amazon).
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