Recording Guitar and Vocals
I'll be visiting the states in October, more precisely Houston, Texas for about 2 weeks. While I'm in America I want to buy myself a "cheap" mixer/ external sound card. So now I'm looking for some advice.
All I need the mixer to do is have 2 inputs with volume control for each - really just something very simple.
Any ideas?
Microphone:AKG D-22.
Soundcard:Siberia 51004SS.
That's a terrible budget, maybe you'll find some better deals, depends where you go. You can spend the rest on recording software, or use this website.
This is another good choice. I overlooked it, epic fail on my part.
I've never encountered something Behringer made that I didn't like. They make some kickass amps too.
Does not matter, these days, you can make almost anything sound good with software.
Is there a noticeable quality difference between the Lexicon and the Behringer?
And what would be the budget be to get a good mixer?
Though I'm still on the look out.