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The TIGS Bootleg Demake Compo Has Ended.

edited September 2008 in Everything Else
And the results are quite satisfying. If you don't know, The Independent Gaming Source just held a "Bootlleg Demakes" competition, the goal of which was to create bootleg-style demakes of modern games (in case you couldn't guess). I've yet to play all of the entries, but some of my favorite concepts are the ASCII Crysis, the NES Silent Hill, a 1D Megaman, and a Tetris clone set in Chernobyl called "S.T.A.C.K.E.R.".
So, what's your favorite concept? Any games that haven't been done that you'd like to see de-made?


  • Wow, a lot of these look awesome. I lol'd at General Sherman's Redemption. I'll torrent this overnight.
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